Look what I found......

chadzx11 said:
Why is everbody on here trying to be racist?

If you search the internet, you can find nitetime satellite images showing just how undeveloped-----and dark, africa is. Its not a skin color thing. Who is the redneck now?

I made contact with the customer last night, and was able to get him up and running:


Sorry for the crappy pictures, but It was dark out.


Interestingly, the complaint was stemming from a second reciever THAT HE INSTALLED HIMSELF. I'm being totally serious here------he forgot to hook it up to the LNB. The 501 that was hooked up was pulling a signal of like 122 off that dish, which astonished me. The customer was thrilled when I asked it was OK to replace that pole (I didn't have to charge him, b/c I rescued a pole off the scrap heap over by the maintenance shed. Had a D* azel clamp still on it. They also had a E* Auger pole. I hate those things.).

The customer had been planning to move the dish himself, so he gave me a pole that he was planning to use. However, it was the wrong size and way too flimsy for me. That one went on the scrap heap. :D

After I got the dish moved and set back up, I went inside and lit up his 311, got my paperwork signed, gave him my number in case of problems, and he hit me with a tip. He was very pleased. It seems that he was having signal loss issues with his pole mount (I have never seen that style of mounting before), and he who installed the wing dish did nothing about it, other than swap out his LNB with a DPP Twin. Oh, the other installer? He didn't have any screws securing either LNB, which makes it even more amazing that the guy had a signal at all, let alone a 122.

If you want to see some crappy---or ingenious---installs, head to your nearest apartment complex. Not the expensive ones either, because they will have more stringent rules. Hell, the housing authorities around here have more stringent rules than some of these private apartment complexes.

Nice job..congrats.....I guess you go the OK form apt mgmt to relocate pole and any necessary drilling..That's rare......
The worst apt comlexes are ones that accept section 8 tenants..Plus any other municipally owned public housing...those are non starters.....
i despise getting apt w/o's..90% of them do not go in..They are a waste of time..Most are occupied by non English speaking neighbors form "south of the border"....the language barrier is a pain in the ass.