Met with the Directors of Programming for VOOM 21 Exclusive Channels

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
VOOM HD Programming at Penn Plaza

Today I was fortunate to meet with the people behind the scene of VOOM's 21 Exclusive HD Channels. I was met by the Director of Gallery HD and he introduced me to his boss who is in charge of all programming for their proprietary channels. He asked me what was the main complains that customers have about Cinema 10, Epics, and Monsters. He understands that repetition is one complaint. I told him that besides repetition the current format of the Cinema 10 was another complaint. The current format repeats the same movie the entire day. I asked for more variety in the movies shown per day. So maybe three movies per day per channel and repeated at primetime. I also emphasized the Original Aspect Ratio problem on Cinema 10. As you know most of the Cinema 10 movies are currently shown to fill the screen. He was surprised that people did not like the entire screen filled. I told him that 85% of people according to the poll conducted here (at Satelliteguys) wanted OAR as much as possible.

We also spoke about Auction-HD. I asked him why they would not show the entire auction room in HD. He said it has to do with the policies and procedures that the auction house has in placed. A lot of the bidders want to keep out of the media.

I met with the Rush/WorldSport team. I even met Matt. Matt is the one that updates the WorldSport website with the schedule. We talked about the PG and Zap2it being incorrect as to what program was showing and also that the PG or zap2it never show that the game is being shown LIVE. Basically the lack of information in the PG and in the zap2it website about the soccer games. I also asked him if it was possible to put a date on the taped soccer games so that customers know what they were watching. The Rush/WolrdSport crew is very enthusiastic about the upcoming programming and they said that the content will get better and they will be adding more. WorldSport crew in USA works very closely with the producers in Spain of the Soccer games.

It is amazing to meet all these people. I was shown were they do some of the HD transfers. Not all HD transfers are done in-house. It depends on the source they get the material. I also saw the people that do the editing and logos of the different channels. Rave will be adding more concerts. They are currently working on this.

I also was asked about MOOV. In all honesty, I told them that it has not had the same impact as the other channels. Apparently this was an experimental channel and it already has been suggested to improve the channel or convert it into something else.

In my opinion, Rainbow Media (VOOM) is willing to listen to us, their customers. They want to know our experiences, dislikes and likes. They do come here to the board and read our comments. They want to succceed and put the best product out there. The programmers, of course, have limitations and have to work within the framework of VOOM. So not every suggestion will be implemented. All of them are very open minded and willing to listen and make adjustments. I am glad that I had the opportunity to meet them. I believe there will be other meetings with them and other groups like marketing and technology in the future.

As you all know I have no special interest in VOOM other than HD. I do not work for them in any capacity. I am just a customer with special interest in HD programming.
Sean, thanks for taking the time and let VOOM know about what the members of this forum think. I wish the channel stays open for future communication.
Very cool! Sounds like you had a good time. It's good to know that they come to our little corner of the web and read our thoughts and criticisms, and more importantly, listen to them. Cool. :)
DarrellP said:
Any word on when the Cinema10 will be going back to 1080i?

That's more a question for Wilt and his technical team. The group of people I met at Rainbow Medias only deal with the actual content of the exclusive VOOM HD channels.
madmike said:
Very cool! Sounds like you had a good time. It's good to know that they come to our little corner of the web and read our thoughts and criticisms, and more importantly, listen to them. Cool. :)

More than good time. To be able to see everything in the making and meet and talk to the people that go out into the field and shoot HD is an amazing experience. The Rush team told me that they finished filming the surfing program at the amazon and the there will be talk about the Endless Summer Documentary on that Program. I posted a press release or information on this surfing program that will premiere in Rush.
Now your teasing us...WorldSport is only going to get better and with more content - c'mon, like what? Spoilers, dirt, rumors - I'm dying over here!
Again, can Moov. combine cinema10 to cinema5. give me TNTHD, INHD1and2, HD PPV. Use the other three HD spaces for more valuable HD networks as well.
I like the concept of Cinema10 if they would show more content. I like your idea, Sean of having several movies/channel/day, that would rock!
Sounds like a great time.

I wish I was there. I would have badgered them into adding cricket and aussie rules football to worldsport, and I would have begged for some new videos on Rave.

And thanks for getting that OAR comment in -- way to go!
ZeitGeist said:
Now your teasing us...WorldSport is only going to get better and with more content - c'mon, like what? Spoilers, dirt, rumors - I'm dying over here!

This is a beginning:

"There are some exciting projects coming to World Sport this summer; Including Golden League Track and Field events from across Europe, a motor sport series set to begin in August and the Encore presentation of the 2003-2004 La Liga season. Of course, we also plan to continue our LIVE soccer with the 2004-05 Spanish Premier League which will kick off sooner than you know it."
vurbano said:
Again, can Moov. combine cinema10 to cinema5. give me TNTHD, INHD1and2, HD PPV. Use the other three HD spaces for more valuable HD networks as well.

I am not saying that this cannot be done but the impression I got was that they were willing to see if they can improve the channels before eliminating channels. Elimination of channel will be a the bottom of the list. If they wanted to, there is space today to 4 more HD channels without eliminating any channels.
I would assume we'll be seeing TNT-HD and possibly InHD1 and 2 sooner than later if that is the case.
Taron1 said:
I vote for Japanese Animie on the Animania channel.

I second that one. Or else some old school 1980's cartoons like Transformers, Thundercats, Voltron, GI Joe, etc. :)
Wow, great report, and how exciting that you got to meet the folks behind the scenes. I strongly agree that Cinema 10 needs more turnover in movies, and should preserve OAR as much as possible. But I guess I am different from other folks in that I like the fact that the same movie repeats on each channel all day. There are still 10 choices, and this way, if there is something I want to see and I miss the start, I can catch the next one. With premium movie channels, I'm always finding that I just missed something I really wanted to see, and it won't be on again until 3 days later at an odd time.
One more thing that I forgot to add. They are working on a monthly magazine will all the new content for each month. What I heard was that it is going to be distribut to customers via email. It will like the one we receive right now but with a lot more information for the entire month.
Thats pretty informative Sean...thanks. I think they could improve on the programming a little bit. Even the animation ch deserves better. MonstersHD is really the only ch that picks decent programming. I dont like the Movies on the Cinema 10. I think they are old and boring. What about Jaws? Or something in the 1980's , some sci fi flick like the original Aliens. Or even 2001 a space od. There are a million and a half movies to choose from....nothing seems to appeal to me. Am I alone? I have had VOOM for about three months and have yet to watch a full movie on any of the movie ch's. EspnHD....DiscHD....HBOHD...and MonstersHD....are the ch's that are the best in my opinion. I have watched some soccer...but thats rare. The news is pretty good also...but its a constant loop. Just wish they could pick some better movies. Blues Brothers....History of the World....even old movies like MASH...Ghostbusters for the kids....old Tom Hanks moives. I have no problem with 10 movie ch's...but damn pick some better movies!!!!!

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