Missing Transponders


New Member
Original poster
May 12, 2004
I have just installed a new Quad DP LNB. I have pointed the dish and have a high 90% single on 119 and 110 using Trans 19 on 119 and Trans 3 on 110. I have two 301 receivers. One 301 can access almost all channels however the other receiver can only get a few channels. Both receivers confirm the proper settings during the "Check Switch" process. I.E. one receiver can access local channels using 110 trans 6 while the other receiver cannot.

Ideas ???
Start swapping feeds and ports around to isolate the problem.

Keep a log of every variation. Something obvious should appear.

For example, the problem may be on just the one 301 no matter which feed you use. then you know that 301 doesn't like DP for some reason.

Or the problem may be on just one feed from the LNB.

One thing to think about - which LNB feed ports are you using?

Problem Installing 721

Dish to turn on Pappas local channels today

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