
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 24, 2004
I was hoping some some of you might know some baseball and HD information.

1)I understand that there is a InHD plan to show a few HD games a week. Is this service available to E* subscribers?

2)Will E* begin picking up the RSNs HD feeds as they become available?

3)WGN and TBS will be showing Cubs and Braves games in HD. Will those feeds go national, and if so, will E* carry them?

4)How worried should I be about Congress requiring everyone's locals on one dish? Will this ruin my HD dreams?

Thank you.
My personal feeling is that they will shift most locals to side satellites (instead of some on 110 and some on 61.5 they will put ALL on 61.5 to satisfy the law if it takes hold) They will have to pay for a bunch of 2nd dishes and extra switches, but it seems the only way to make it work.

Either that or they drop 30 markets and tell them that Congress mandated that they drop the channels due to capacity constraints. Of course, no one will blame Congress, they'll all blame E*....

Hey, I'm surprised the two dish "solution" lasted this long given how loud the NAB has been whining about it.........
They can't just move the locals to the wings. The wings have no spot beam capability and would be maxed out with a handful of markets.
mikew said:
They can't just move the locals to the wings. The wings have no spot beam capability and would be maxed out with a handful of markets.

Oops. Didn't know that. OK, move them to 105 and make everyone upgrade to a Superdish with the relevant switches. Even Better.... only "1" dish, but now they can see all of the channels. Now, if they would only release that new switch that lets me keep my 61.5 channels then I'll be happy.

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