Zax, I did this for my Raspberry Pi installation of Live Bandscan (basically a linux installation).
(0) Stop if it's running.
(1) Grab the hdhomerun_channels.c file from the libhdhomerun directory at
(2) Replace the hdhomerun_channels.c file in the libhdhomerun tgz file obtained from Silicondust (
linux [HDHomeRun]) with the one you just grabbed from the BitBucket site.
(3) Copy the newly modified libhdhomerun tgz file (give it a new name) to your unix device and move it to the same directory where the original libhdhomerun tgz file is located.
(4) Switch to that directory and extract the contents of the new libhdhomerun tgz file (tar -xvzf etc.).
(5) Switch to the hdhomerun_config_gui directory and reinstall with these commands
./configure [don't forget to include the period at the beginning]
make [takes a while]
sudo make install
(6) Restart
Again, I did this on my Raspberry Pi, so it may not be the same for all Unix-based installations. And I've left out some details, like how to group files into a .tar file and compress that into a .tgz file, and how to transfer files from the PC to the Pi. Step 5 corresponds to instruction #2 given on the hdhomerun linux page linked in my step 2 above.
Good luck with it. Let us know how you fare.