Move or start over


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
I've been with Dish for something like 8 years. I've been a full-time RVer with a West Coast address. Over the years I've collected several dishes but have always used the original very old receiver (4700?) I bought at Sears in 1997. Now, I'm coming off the road and settling in Dallas.

My question is, should I tell Dish I'm moving and have them come in and put up a new dish and wire it in and get whatever kind of upgrade they will offer, or should I just cancel the old account and start allover again as a new customer? Which way might I get the better deal?

mbarnes said:
I've been with Dish for something like 8 years. I've been a full-time RVer with a West Coast address. Over the years I've collected several dishes but have always used the original very old receiver (4700?) I bought at Sears in 1997. Now, I'm coming off the road and settling in Dallas.

My question is, should I tell Dish I'm moving and have them come in and put up a new dish and wire it in and get whatever kind of upgrade they will offer, or should I just cancel the old account and start allover again as a new customer? Which way might I get the better deal?


Yes you can ask for the dishmover install. By all means keep your account as is, right now your considered a "5 Star Customer". Keep that status. Since you've been with them that long - don't quote me on it but you'll most likely quailfy for some special deals.

Dish Protection Plan Question

New 625 installed today...quick question.

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