Moving - How/Where to dispose Dish Antenna of Dish Network


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Aug 16, 2011
I am moving and when I talked to the Dish Network they told they will provide with a new dish, How and Where can I dispose the existing dish?

My apartment people said I cannot leave it there.

Appreciate your suggestions
I am moving and when I talked to the Dish Network they told they will provide with a new dish, How and Where can I dispose the existing dish?

My apartment people said I cannot leave it there.

Appreciate your suggestions
You can put it on Craig's List or take it to any metal recycler.
If it's a 1000.2, take it with you. The installer may be able to use it. Since most people have their dish's are in hard to reach places, Dish doesn't want people to injure themselves trying to get it down. If it's not a 1000.2, then do whatever, recycle, etc.
What are they gonna do about it anyway? lol

But yeah, "dumpster" sounds like a good answer to me.
I had the same issue 4 months a go Sharathkotha. I had 2 Dishes (a 500 and a 1000.2) with LNBs and switches that I had to remove from my apartment when I moved into my new house. I kept them for the installer but they installed a black 1000.4 and didn't need or want the other ones. I took them to the Dish place and offered them to those guys but they couldn't take them either. One of the DIRT guys here then tried to set up having DISH send me a box to at least return the LNBs etc. but DISH did not allow that either. I looked at Craigslist but there were a LOT of them on there and they weren't asking for much $$. They sit in my garage and I'm likely to pull off the LNBs and throw the rest away. And I still don't know what I'll do with the LNBs. I wish there was a better answer as these were only used 6 months and are like new. But the system is set up for you to leave everything and when you can't, DISH just isn't set up for that.
If you can be positive you are the only tenant on it then take it with you. The installer may, or may not reuse it. However if you are unsure then you need to leave them. Sometimes in apartment complex situations installers will share antennas between installations. They're not supposed to do it, but it happens.
If it was me, I'd take it down and remove the LNB for a spare (you never know). Then, like others posted, either put it by the curb or take it to a dumpster, but leave it sitting beside the dumpster. With the price of scrap metal these days, somebody will grab it.
Or you could do what my idiot cousin did to his dish and take a baseball bat to it, then put it in the dumpster.

two recivers on 2 isps??

welcome pack roomer...

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