My H23-600 went bad...

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 20, 2009
Central IL
One of my H23-600's decided to take a crap over the weekend. Called Direct, they sent another one out immediately. However, it's an H21-200. Can anyone tell me the difference between them? Am I getting screwed?

other than the H23 having the BBC built in there really is no difference

I assume you have a SWM setup? SWM setups dont need BBC's so any HD receiver will work
Jeez Ice, it took you a whole two minutes to respond! You're slipping!!! ;)
As long as you are leasing from Directv a H20/H21/H23/H24 and now a H25 are all the same units the last 3 numbers just designate who manufactured the unit. The H designates it is a High Definition receiver without recording capabilities.
Please reply by conversation.

When is the new Directv guide scheduled to be released?

No MSG HD - Not Again Please

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