Name Based Recording Screenshots


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 9, 2004
OK folks....
I got home and took quite a few photos of the screen to show you what to expect from the 522's Name-Based-Recording.

Check it out.

First off, we see the new version - L231.
Next, a feature that many of you wanted - a channel guide option! (Wonder if they implemented it because of you guys here!?)


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Next, we have the PVR screen (not much difference), the DISH Pass screen (notice it says 'searching: all channels), and the new schedule screen - notice 'MythBusters' is crossed out, because I have to re-do the timer on TV2. It's skipped.


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This is the HELP screen for the DISH Pass feature. Gives a bit of info on how it works. Looks pretty straight-forward to me.


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These are the Timer Frequency help screens. You get to them by hitting 'info' while setting up a timer.


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This tells how to use the DVR priorities.


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OK, those are the main screens that I noticed differently. Keep in mind, I haven't FULLY tried it out - I came home and explored the screens, taking pics of everything I noticed different.
I have to apologize for the shots with the glare - my girl said I should take them without the flash! Duh!

I will mess with timers tonight and let you know how it went. I'm also eager to see if the A/V issues have been fixed. Those audio dropouts were getting BAD! (Notice from the shots, I had 8 hours free...)

Hope this helps. Anyone wanting any more info let me know, and I'll get back, or one of the other guys who got the update today will reply.... you guys rock!

Thanks again Scott!!! :D
Thanks for going through all that trouble! I really appreciate it, as I'm sure other members do... can't wait to get the update!
No problem, you guys!! :) Anything I can do to help.

OK so now I've gone through everything and tried it out for an hour. All I can say is, "hmmm."
When I set a timer for, say Simpsons episodes, I choose 'new' assuming they'll be the Sunday night ones, which ARE new. Well, it brings up ones that are 'from the current season' but aren't new. (It did, however, bring up a 'behind the actors studio' on the Simpsons.)
So, here's how it goes: You have to manually type in the show you want (you can't use 'history' for the ones you've already done). Then it brings up ALL the shows on all channels. What's neat is it automatically sets a timer for the new eps, then skips the repeats of that particular episode. I did one for "Modern Marvels" on History Channel (they repeat them a LOT!), and it set timers for every single one that wasn't already in that list. I then had to go through and 'skip' the ones I've already seen. Seems like a hassle.

Here's what I want (and can't find a way to do, yet): be able to set a timer for a show, let's say, 'The Simpsons' and have it record ONLY the new episodes. They'll say 'new' in the info. That way, it would record the normal Sunday night eps, and let's say, a Thursday night one I might miss. I didn't find a way to do that. Bummer.

I'll continue messing around with it and give you my findings. I wasn't really watching TV, so I don't know about the buffered A/V issues.
Anyone else got NBR yet?
Scott Greczkowski said:
They said on todays chat a software update will be coming in January which would give the 522 "Season pass" like features. :D
So would that enable it to record ONLY new episodes, with NO repeats (and at different times/days/channels), or would that make it like the TiVo and 'find' what you want to watch?
Thanks for the info! I can't wait. I wonder how they chose the 50000 who will be the first ones to get it tomorrow. I hope I am one of them.
Thanks Bizzach for taking the time to post the screen shots...

Does it look like there's something similar to the "Keep At Most" feature that TiVo has that would have previous recordings of the same show automatically delete as new one's are recorded, so you wouldn't have a whole bunch of a popular show that's on multiple channels (like "The Simpson's") fill up your hard drive? This is assuming you have the Dish Pass set for All Episodes
Bizzach said:
...Here's what I want (and can't find a way to do, yet): be able to set a timer for a show, let's say, 'The Simpsons' and have it record ONLY the new episodes. They'll say 'new' in the info. That way, it would record the normal Sunday night eps, and let's say, a Thursday night one I might miss. I didn't find a way to do that. Bummer....
Could you do a Weekly Timer on Sunday - then a seperate Weekly Timer on Thursday?
Wow, thanks for the info and screenshots. Can't wait to get my 522. I will put a link to this page on my website. In the future I hope to be able to have screen shots of every menu, screen, and function on the DVR's as maybe te basic receivers even. This will help when giving people help that way they know what the screens look like and know what to expect. It would be like an enhanced online manual/visual/library. Perhaps the photos could be added to the google photo gallery. I would use a TV capture card to get the screenshots which should have a very good quality. It would be nice to have this for the Tivo's as well for those that have one.
Ned - I was saying what happens if the network decides to throw in an episode on a day that's not the normal day for new episodes. I only watch a few shows, so I don't go through the guide all the time to see if I missed anything like that. The box should be able to pick up and record ONLY the brand new episodes, but I can't find a way to do that yet.

And the other one is just saying that it'll skip a show that's already set to record, or is already in the DVR list. It won't dump any events automatically... just won't record multiple eps of the same thing.

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