NBA TV HD channels missing from guide in Puerto Rico


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 13, 2004
Does anyone have information on why I don't see the NBA TV free preview HD channels in my guide for Puerto Rico? 110/119/61.5
What happens when you go to channel 4597? Also send me a PM with your phone number or account number please

Edit - NBA TV is not on free preview (from what I see). NBA League Pass is
When I try to go to channel 4597 nothing happens. That channel is not listing on the guide and I saw the free preview on HD last year. I guess is the NBA League Pass that's on free preview. I can see all the SD channels.
SoftwrDude said:
When I try to go to channel 4597 nothing happens. That channel is not listing on the guide and I saw the free preview on HD last year. I guess is the NBA League Pass that's on free preview. I can see all the SD channels.

I believe all the hd nba channels are no longer on a satellite that reaches the island. SD only except for nba tv
so, when is Dish planning on adding the NBA League Pass HD channels again? and while I am asking that do you know when Dish is adding ABC HD to the Puerto Rico locals? I want to watch the NBA finals in HD this year.
You are correct. NBA League pass HD channels are on 72.7 or 129

Again, all of us in Puerto Rico pay the same for subscription to NBA league pass as the rest of the U.S. but we are denied equal service. No HD other than nba tv, tnt, and espn games
Since Dec. 16 I am waiting for an answer from maryb@dishnetwork but as of today still no answer (she said on Dec. 17 that she "scaled" the issue and will answer me back "soon".) The issue: NBA League Pass HD channels were removed from 61.5 (a satellite available in Puerto Rico) to 72.7 (a satellite not available in Puerto Rico). I doubt that I will shred $169.00 for an inferior service (only SD) than what the rest of the US gets.
The 61.5 satellite was never officially supported by DISH Network in Puerto Rico. We understand that customers did use that satellite to receive programming in PR, but unfortunately it is unlikely that the programming will return

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