Need Dish 122676, DBS Stacked LNB


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
Need Dish 122676, DBS Stacked LNBs
Have a project I need a couple of these for. Anyone have some?
I looked way back in the archives and found this post:


Ok heres some pic's of my superdish 121 LNB assembly:

121 LNB
FSS Stacked LNB
P/N 122677 Lot# P41

119 LNB
DBS Stacked LNB
P/N 122676 Lot# P43

110 LNB
Digital LNBF
P/N 151019 Lot# 0401

Got a box of them and the FSS LNBs that I played with for a while.
DBSlnb 004.JPG
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I messed with a few of those some years ago. They seem to have a lousy really high noise figure. Only thing going for them, is with the C-120 flange they are easy to bolt up to a Primestar feedhorn.
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Some businesses use the 121 as a private Sat feed. Movie theaters, for example us the 121 to live feed special events, like sporting events, live broadcasts of stage performances ,etc
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One thing about those LNBs: They are not great quality. They suffer from frequency drift with age as much as 4~5MHZ. Use a blind scan to compensate. Or if you have a good meter like my AI TurboS2 and can measure the drift and recalculate your frequencies.
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Just got hooked up to dish

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