Need some help with setup


New Member
Original poster
May 4, 2004
Hello all, new to this forum and to Dish Network.

I recently got hooked up with the 811 receiver and was wondering if I need to have the s-video hooked up along with the component or just the component.

Also, I have a 4:3 toshiba tv and cannot get the letterbox screen on the HD channels. The receiver has the normal, stretch, zoom, etc. on it and it displays in "normal" as the default on HD stations. The images appear to be a little elongated though.

I have changed the aspect ratio to all of the three options (4:3 #1, 4:3 #2, and 16:9) but the image does not appear to be any different on any of the settings.

Also, should the receiver be set to 1080 as the default? I assume it would take anything below that like 720 or 480.

Thanks for any help and I dig the forum.
The 811 should be set for 1080i for your set. Depending upon the model you should be using 4:3#1 or #2, probably #2 if it's a recent model. Then when you are watching actual HD content (try DISHD Ch 9421 or HDNET Ch 9422) you should see the vastly increased picture clarity in a 16:9 letterbox if you are in the Normal mode.

For your set you probably also want the S-Video connected so that you can view SD material full screen instead of seeing it windowboxed in a letterbox. Does that make sense?

BTW, I am assuming that you have the component video cables connected to wideband component inputs (Y Pb Pr) and the TV switched to that input (usually labled DTV.)
Yes, it is connected as you described. But on HD channels the picture displays a full screen, not letterbox. The picture appears to be a little stretched as well, people seem to appear a little elongated. When I change the HD format screen from 4:3 to 16:9, there is no change in the picture.

I do notice the increased picture clarity on the HD channels even though it is not showing in letterbox.
mskog said:
Yes, it is connected as you described. But on HD channels the picture displays a full screen, not letterbox. The picture appears to be a little stretched as well, people seem to appear a little elongated. When I change the HD format screen from 4:3 to 16:9, there is no change in the picture.

I do notice the increased picture clarity on the HD channels even though it is not showing in letterbox.

How is your 811 hooked up to your Toshiba? It does not seem clear. If you are hooked up via svideo then changing to 1080i/720i or 480p should not make a difference. If your Toshiba has Component use it!! Are you seeing no difference using component on your 4x3. That seems a bit odd.. With Component and your 811 set to 4x3 your SD should look good. As for you HD, not sure how that would look on a 4x3.
Go back to the HDTV Set-Up screen and read the HELP section. It sounds like you should be on 4:3#2. Make sure you've toggled the * button so that you are in Normal mode. And don't forget to select "SAVE" before you leave the HDTV Set-Up screen.

If you still can't get the 16:9 letterbox for proper HD w/o elongation you better check the set-up menu for the TV itself.
The 811 is connected directly to the TV with component cables and s-video. I was told by the installer that both needed to be connected.
Can I use just the component for all stations?
As far as the quality of the picture it is very good, just a tad stretched out on the HD channels as there is no letterboxing going on.
I did save the settings each time before exiting, but the image remains the same.
I also tried the tv controls to fix it but there was nothing that helped.
mskog said:
The 811 is connected directly to the TV with component cables and s-video. I was told by the installer that both needed to be connected.
Can I use just the component for all stations?
As far as the quality of the picture it is very good, just a tad stretched out on the HD channels as there is no letterboxing going on.
I did save the settings each time before exiting, but the image remains the same.
I also tried the tv controls to fix it but there was nothing that helped.

This is an HDTV capable set, right?

What input is your TV set to?

yes it is HD compatable, it is set to HD Component 1(it has two component inputs).
You don't need the svideo connected... I think they just do that during the initial configuring of the 811.

I watch everything over component. I do tend to watch SD in 480p 4:3 mode 2, and HD in 1080i, 16:9 mode.

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