Nesn Hdtv

Nope NESN HD is done by Comcast which is why its only on Comcast. The signal is transmitted by Fiber and not via satellite. (and all their ads are COMCAST ads)

I do not see this coming to Dish or DirecTV anytime soon.
Damn, that's what I thought. I may have to consider going back to the evil empire. I watch most sox games and HD would be nice. Damn cable is much more expensive than DISH. ESPN isn't even Digital. Tough decision

Is SD programming stretched on ESPNHD or is it 4:3. Basically, is ESPNHD a digital version of ESPN when SD programming is on?
There is no SD programming, NESN HD is only on when there is something being broadcast in HD. It replaces one of the INHD Channels, then flips back to INHD when the game is over.

BingoTV is anyone watching?

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