New 721 - black line across bottom of tv


Original poster
May 20, 2004
I just got my new 721 installed & now there is a thin black line about 1 inch (50 inch tv) from the bottom running across the screen. If you hit Dish Home, you dont see it, only when you are viewing a station. Any Ideas??
Other than that its running great.

P.S. My first thread!!

Welcome Bonzo,
I believe this is normal. I have it on my 721 and somewhere there was a thread that talked about this as well.
Of course, now I go to check the exact position of the line, and it is gone.
Bonzo, if you notice that your line had disappeared, please post.
I have the ugly black line too.
It is the same size as the pop-up pvr background and runs exactly at the bottom of this and other menu bottoms.
It is rather annoying when noticed, once you see it, it is hard not to see it.
Is there a fix?
I just assumed bug on my box, but did not want to chance replacing with a new box, with possibility of new bugs. Mine is relatively stable.

Model 501 Modem Problem.....

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