New 721 Bug?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 30, 2003
My tuner one died on my first 721 this week. I got the refurb in yesterday. Today I had a timer set to record an hour show. I just tried to watch it and it shows the correct show name and the correct time of 64 minutes with the automatic padding. However, when I click start to watch the show, a get a black blank screen. Nothing comes up on the screen. The 721 seems to freeze up and will not go back to the PVR events screen. I have to power the unit off and then turn it on again to get back to the PVR events screen. I had this problem on my old 721 as well. This has happened at least 3 times now! It is really a shame that the 721 is not reliable as of late. I believe this new bug started when I got the new L1.15 update.
Seen this as well

Re running switch check solved the problem for me. Wish you well.

rc :rolleyes:

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