Switching because of DHP HDTV!?

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hey guys,need some help to switch from d*to e*.I'm a D* installer by the way,so I know common sense about the equipment basically.I'm switching because i want hdtv and dont want to pay $400 for a receiver.What I would want from e* would be a dual tuner dvr + an hdtv receiver.I want to do the DHP plan,will I be Able to get an 811 + a 522?Or is the 921 going to be avaailable to DHP customers?I will be a new customer and was wondering when I should call and if this is the best configuration to get. Any feedback is appreciated.thanks
As an installer you'll know that all of the good bargains happen when you first sign up. The HDTV stuff is supposed to hit the streets this month. So keep an eye out for their promotions. You should be able to get the 522/811 on DHP. not so sure about the 921 though.

Be a little patient and keep checking back throughout the month.
I read from a retail report that the 522 and 811 will both be available for new customers on the DHP. You could get either one on DHP or add a $100 upgrade fee to get both (2-year comitment). I'm anxious to see the promos for existing customers.
No mention of the 522 in Dish brochures received today

Local retailer gave me me the Dhp, regular offers and the brochure of the Superdish HD Receivers and HDTV monitors. No mention of the 522. Told him I was interested in the 811 and a 522. He said, " have not heard anything about a 522.
Is there another dual tunet pvr/dvr from dish?
Figure first quarter 2004 for 522 by then HDTiVo may be out so keep an open mind and eyes and ears open.
The DISH dual tuner DVR's are the 522, 721 & 921. The 522 is the only dual tuner DVR that will be offered to new customers on the DHP in the future. The 721 and 921 can be purchased through a retailer. The 721 is the only one currently in stock with retailers.
The 522 will not be ou til next year, the 322 houwever will be released within the next 2 weeks gor DHP customers only.

The 522 was removed from the fall/winter promotional Dish Network brochoures.
so I guess i am sol on the the dual tuner dvr til next year?Whats the cheapest package i can get with hd channels?Ill have to keep d*just for my ultimate tv!!
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New 721 Bug?

A note from Echostar on some of the 721 reported bugs.

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