New 721 software?

D'oh. A timer kicked off and "download interrupted - please wait." Ah, well. Might as well go to work :)
Sean Mota said:
Mine just finished I have to look at it.

I saw the blinking lights and thought it was finished and I turned the TV and it states " Download Installation Succeeded Please wait while the sytem is upgraded.

I got to go out so hopefully when I come back it will be done.
Sean Mota said:
I saw the blinking lights and thought it was finished and I turned the TV and it states " Download Installation Succeeded Please wait while the sytem is upgraded.

I got to go out so hopefully when I come back it will be done.
Mines done.

Seems the same as what Scort reported as to opentv stuff.

Version: L171HABD

Still looking at it :)
Same here. I came out at noon to turn on the receiver and it wouldn't respond to the remote. After 12 noon rolled around and my noon timer didn't fire, I figured it was foobuggered so I held the power button for a reset. After it came back up it was on 171. I'll wait until after my timer finishes before I start playing.

There is no phone jack near my 721 and the receiver has never complained, however I know there are parts of OpenTV that dial out. What won't work until I figure out what to do with the phone thing?
Well, finished watching the news and letting my timer finish. Decided to watch the timered event (Modern Marvels). It started ok, but now a few minutes into the show it's like someone is playing with the pause button on the remote. The picture starts, then stops, then starts, then stops, etc. The remote won't do anything as I am trying to stop the show and restart it. The receiver is acting like it's very busy and other functions (like my watching a show) are dragging because of it. I don't want to reboot so I'm thinking of putting on a DVD and letting the receiver run it's course.

I hate to say this, but my receiver was rock solid for over a year until these latest changes to the guide and this new software download. :(
I got it to stop, but it's still draggin' a$$. At this rate I can make lunch and eat before the receiver comes back from lunch. (as in "Gone to lunch" get it! :D)

Was just about to post this when the receiver rebooted itself. Guess I'll go get that DVD and let the receiver settle down. I did notice that after the first reboot I forced at noon that the guide information was gone. Hmmm.
OK! Now after it came back up I tried to simply turn it off from the front panel and it's REBOOTING AGAIN!! :mad: I am becoming impatient. I picked three movies and loaded them into the carousel so when the receiver starts back up again I'm not going to touch the friggin' thing. It can do whatever it wants, except erase my recorded programs. :yikes
Sometimes after a software upgrade, the first 24 hours with the new software, the receiver acts weird.

Dish has asked me to tell you after you get the software upgrade installed to power cycle your 721 so that it does a complete reboot.
Noticed a couple of other things with this update. The search area now allows searching by title or by information (works like the 921 but configured slightly differently). The history screen now has a delete button, which unlike the 921, actually works when trying to delete a single entry in the history list.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Sometimes after a software upgrade, the first 24 hours with the new software, the receiver acts weird.

Dish has asked me to tell you after you get the software upgrade installed to power cycle your 721 so that it does a complete reboot.

Scott, how does one accomplish the "power cycle"? My green light just stopped flashing and I powered the receiver on. Nothing had changed so I powered it off. Now it is flashing again, I assume the download didn't take for some reason.
Not gonna be easy because it's on a UPS1500... ;)

I'll kill the power in a bit and let it sit for the next few hours to see how it goes.
Thanks for the info Scott. Hope you enjoy our Texas hospitality!
To power update you can unplug it for a few minutes, or press and hold the power button, (Or remove and reinsert the smartcard)

All should do a reboot of the unit. :)
After power-cycling my VCR (damn unlabled plugs) I yanked the 721 for 30 seconds and it's coming back up. I have a timer that fires at 5pm so I'm going back to Oceans Eleven and we'll see what happens in two hours.

Thanks all for the info! :)

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