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Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
Anyone else get new access cards in the mail today?

Guess the football player ones are obsolete now.
The football ones have been in the process of being replaced for sometime now. It has been an off and on again process for over a year.
silversurfer01973 said:
The football ones have been in the process of being replaced for sometime now. It has been an off and on again process for over a year.

I guess you will know if you are slated for card updating if you can get channel 222.

Took me a whole 30 seconds to update. So far no problems with spotty sound as some others have reported.
New Access Card

When I installed a new access card in my direct TV receiver the installation process deleted from my channel list a local network station I received over the air and disabled my ability to manually tune in the station. This was a network I was also receiving via a distant network satellite feed. I suspect that since direct tv is prohibited from delivering a distant network if you can receive that network over the air, when the installation process occurs the receiver is scanned for any "prohibited" over the air stations and they are disabled. I only got this station over the air because I installed a new antenna. I am mad that direct tv tampered with my receiver. I think they are doing it because they want to keep collecting the couple bucks a month I pay for the distant network feed (which I would have cancelled). Anyone have any experience with this or suggestion on how to fix it?
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Global Concerns Surface with News Corp./DirecTV Deal

Multi-Switch and new install question

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