New Customer used 508 no DVR fee?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 25, 2003
I have a friend of mine that is interested in a Dish Network System. If she orders a 510/301 system she would have to pay the $4.99 DVR fee since she only wants Top 100 with out any premiums. I am suggesting that she just get a 301. I have an extra 508 I could activate on her account. Since 501/508/721 don't have DVR fees would she be exempt or is the fee exemption only for existing customers?

I was using this receiver until E* offered the free 510. I was going to sell or swap one of my 508's for another 510. I really don't need this receiver as I have (2) 721's, (2) 508's, a 510 and a Bell ExpressVu 5100. ( I record a lot of Hockey games.) Since I have the America's Everything Pak I don't have to pay the DVR fee on my 510.

At least at this current time. I remember reading a while back where in the future Dish could decide to charge the DVR fee on ALL the DVR models if they wanted to, particularly those that were not grandfathered where the receiver may have gotten reactivated under another account. Things seemed to be unclear when this was discussed before. I remember the so called ''free lifetime PVR" for the 7100/7200 Dishplayers that turned into an expiration date although they seemed to have extended the date to some if not all.

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