Q: Any way to lock guides?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
Is there any way to lock out ALL SUB and ALL CHAN guides on the 522 or 921?

Mom gets confused and ends up in either guide that I have the PPV/sports/music channels locked out and then I have to get her back to her own 'Mom's' guide.

I have channel locks set in the Locks menu, but if I could just make it so she couldn't switch guides, it would be much better. She gets stuck on the passwords screen and can't get out of it.

I don't mind getting it back to her guide, but at 4AM it gets old. Especially when I have to power off the reciever to get it to respond.

At this time there is no way to lock out certain guide lists. The best solution is getting a second receiver, perhaps one you can find cheap being used.

I have no regrets. I took care of her for a long time and saw her through a lot.

Satellite companies (and cable) need to realize that there are people out there that can't work the complex remotes that come with todays video equipment. They need to make a pared down version for kids and elderly.

Its not the same as 30 years ago when you got up and cranked the knob on the front of the set.


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