Hello, some of you may remember me as a D* Tech a few years back, thus my post count. Unfortunately I have traded companies, and now work for the devil doing residential and commercial installs for Comcast. The reason for this is they offer to pay me more than Halstead would. Onto questions, Im looking at a verizon triple play for a relative. They currently have V Home phone and DSL, 7MBs, and Dish Network, with two new HD tvs in the house its time for some upgrades, and with E* not budging on a 922 install price, its time to look at D*, I however am out of the game with Direc, so heres what im looking to know. I remember that whenever I had an install from a VZN acount I hated it, becasue chances are something on it was wrong, and the rebate was submitted, and it would cause both me and the customer lots of grief. So Im looking to avoid this at all costs. The house is setup with 4 tvs, and they are interested in the Premier package, now I have a customer ownded R22 with a good access card (posotive of this) that i am going to give them, to save on having a 2nd hddvr installed. So they are going to go with 3 tvs on the install, even though Im going to wire everything myself, dish is on the house in fact. Verizon has quoted them at 130ish per month for a year with a one year contract. (that right there seems fishy, as I know my halstead goon is going to ask them to sign a directv lease agreement for 2 years) there are a few issues with this though. When going through verizon the price is by far the least expensive, because of the bundle, keep in mind we have 2 other utilities that need to be accounted for, but when selecting the premier package, they no longer get the rebate for 200 off the hddvr instantly. this is only good with choice ultimate +HDDVR (when did that package come out, and is it much different than choice xtra was?) so now were either at scratching the hbo and other premiums, or paying for an hddvr.... umm yea.... this is going to be a problem. Next question, is there any way to set up a referral to a verizon account? I have talked to verizon;s online chat support, and its pretty useless. they tried to talk me out of premier package, and just said that they cant do referrals online, call my local office... so im hunting for a phone number for that. I believe thats about it for now, aside from the few technical questions Im sure theyll have for me once all this gets underway. But the tech support forum always treated me well.
Good to be back, hope to chat you all up soon
Good to be back, hope to chat you all up soon