New PDA mode link Works great!

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Oct 13, 2003
Jacksonville, FL, Earth
Hey Scott. I tried out the new link on my PDA and it works great! Had to log in again (once) and now have it in my Favorites.

You must have designed the screen layout for the XV6700 since it looks perfectly formatted for that screen size.

I'll be using it a bunch these next 14 days of travel. :)
Great to hear Don.

Still working on the Reply to PM's in PDA mode. Thats about the only thing not working correctly. :(
I was on here with a treo this weekend and it worked pretty nice

only a couple things I think should be added to the skin is a jump to the last read post.

There was an arrow next to the thread but it didn't work.

also add a mark forums read link to the footer. I use that a lot to clear the new posts
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photos / pic ect..... gallery

is there a problem with buddy lists?

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