is there a problem with buddy lists?

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stone phillips420

On Vacation
Original poster
Oct 20, 2004
it seems when i go into my usercp then buddy lists and try and add one person it removes all my previous buddies
plus the buddy screen isnt looking right to me in ie7 or ff2.0
is it just me having this problem with the buddy list?
Scott G, is this justme or are other having troubles with buddy list?
as soon as i add a person it removes all my previous buddies
Not sure I dont use that feature. However I have not had any other complaints about it.

This weekend I will load the new version of the software on which corrects a few issues. :)
hey scott the buddy list still seems to have same problem as before, i dont know if you upgraded software yet though
okay scott so i have you and ice as buddies but when i go to add more i have 4 more buddies it erases you and ice, can only add 2 buddies but when i add more it deletes previous buddies
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New PDA mode link Works great!

Few Problems I am running into.

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