Just the past week I'm seeing programs getting recorded that are months old even though the timer is set to "New". I understand this happens when there is no episode information but these had full episode and original air date information.
I've often wondered, when setting a timer and it asks for New, All, or Once, what's the difference between New and All?
Does New only record episodes that aren't already on the DVR (without recorded duplicates) or does it only record episodes that are first time run (Air Date = today).?
And does All record every episode even if it's already recorded?
This always confused me because not all shows have detailed episode info, air date, or episode numbers.
Thanks -
This is an old and irritating issue. In short, there are several instances of "New" timers recording repeats even when all the relevant info is visible. In fact, the DVR will set to record the repeat premier airing of the same show 3 hours later even though your "New" timer is also set to record the very first airing of the premier. And even after it has completed recording that very first airing of the premiere episode, it will still fire to record the same episode 3 hours later for the repeat airing. And if you "skip" (manually tell the DVR NOT to record the repeat airings), the next day the DVR will UNskip (put the timers back to fire) the repeat airings.
This is a known issue that Dish knows about and created because on a past Tech Forum, years ago, they admitted that they were getting calls that the DVR was NOT recording "New" episodes, so they altered the software to allow for some repeat recordings trying to be safe than sorry, and yes, they advise that if you get a repeat recording that all you have to do is delete that repeat recording and we should be happy that we get repeat recordings instead of NO recording of the episode at all. They have never fixed this. Please do Dish.
On some timers like for shows like Mad Men or Haven or Warehouse 13, I set them to weekly instead of new. I don't get repeats that way and when the season ends I delete the timer.