Newbee question: What are the bit rates of some of the Galaxy 13 channels?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 27, 2006
I'm trying to determine the bit rates of some of the channels on the Galaxy 13 satellite.

This is what is think I know:

  • 3880 Starz transponder has about a 46 mb/s payload after error correction.
  • 3900 HBO transponder has about a 46 mb/s payload after error correction.
  • 3920 Cinamax transponder has about a 39 mb/s payload after error correction.
  • 3820 National Geographic transponder - I don't know how to calculate the bitrate.

Are the above fiqures correct and does anyone know the bit rate of 3820?

After I know the bit rates of the transponders, I should be able to approximate the bit rates of the channels. However, I don't understand the Digicipher 2 in Starz, HBO, and Cinamax. Is that just the formater?


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