Nightmare Hopper install


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 8, 2007
Raleigh , nc
Ok, so i was very excited to upgrade my 922 to 1 hopper and 2 Joey's yesterday. Hopper went through without a glitch, which is more than I can say for the Joey's. I followed training by the book, downloaded, activated, and made sure I was able to watch live programming, and pull up the guide on the hopper before messing with the Joey's. Both Joey's froze up at the exact same spot. 3 of 6 discovering, not downloading. Stayed that way for over an hour at which time i diconnected the Joey's, and performed a hard reset on the hopper. Within a couple of minutes, both Joey's came back up to the same screen and stayed that way. I had to leave for a while, left everything like it was. I returned 2 hours later to find 1 Joey fully functional, and the other in the same state. It is still in that state as we speak. 1000.2 dish, solo node, no tap, direct line from client side on node to 2 way splitter feeding both Joey's.
Yes each Joey must be downloaded seperately.

But I have put in a request with DISH to see if there are other solutions as well as a number of people have reported this issue.
Ok, so i was very excited to upgrade my 922 to 1 hopper and 2 Joey's yesterday. Hopper went through without a glitch, which is more than I can say for the Joey's. I followed training by the book, downloaded, activated, and made sure I was able to watch live programming, and pull up the guide on the hopper before messing with the Joey's. Both Joey's froze up at the exact same spot. 3 of 6 discovering, not downloading. Stayed that way for over an hour at which time i diconnected the Joey's, and performed a hard reset on the hopper. Within a couple of minutes, both Joey's came back up to the same screen and stayed that way. I had to leave for a while, left everything like it was. I returned 2 hours later to find 1 Joey fully functional, and the other in the same state. It is still in that state as we speak. 1000.2 dish, solo node, no tap, direct line from client side on node to 2 way splitter feeding both Joey's.

I had the same problem but I let the joey sit over night. Called the customer and it is still trying to pair.
ty for the info, dont remember training covering hooking up Joey's seperately. So at what point do you start the 2nd Joey? Any solution now other than replacing the Joey?
Plug the first one in get it completely up and running before you plug the next one in.
In training they went over if you do them both at the same time it will slow everything down
Try this,

Unplug the Joey from AC power
Disconnect the MoCA coax cable
Plug the Joey into AC power
Wait for the installation wizard
Unplug the Joey from AC
Re-connect the MoCA coax cable
Plug the Joey into AC power
Follow the installation wizard steps
im getting the play by play of my buddy's install, it's not pretty. dish hung up on the 3rd party installer when trying to figure out why the hopper and joey wont play nice lol
Here is the fix I just got from DISH.

Hi Scott – one of the primary points of emphasis we tried to make during the install process is that if a Joey is connected to the MoCA network before the Hopper is activated, it could put the Joey in a state that seems unrecoverable. In most cases, the Joey will show “1303” searching for a Hopper. If a Joey is in that condition, we suggest the following work around to recover it:

(Assumes the Joey is connected to the MoCA network via coax and the Hopper has finished all downloads and activation.)

  1. Disconnect the co/ax (moCA) connection from the Joey
  2. Place the Joey in standby using the front panel
  3. Reconnect the co/ax (moCA) connection to the Joey
  4. Reset the Joey (AC reset is suggested)
  5. The Joey should then boot back up to 061 and do the software download

Using my Vip622 with Wingard Carryout Portable Dish

DouNodes are a doozy!

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