dfergie Proud Staff Member Original poster Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Sep 8, 2003 104,477 9,223 West of the Pecos, between White City and Roswell Apr 28, 2010 #1 Nightmare on Elm Street has been redone, opens this weekend here... Trailers here...
The Insider SatelliteGuys Pro Nov 9, 2008 3,298 14 The Swamp Apr 28, 2010 #2 It looks really freaking awesome, Even for a michael bay movie.
mike123abc Too many cables Supporting Founder Sep 25, 2003 25,596 4,882 Norman, OK Apr 28, 2010 #3 I remember how scary the first one was (of course I was only a teenager). It was a good movie. I hope this one lives up to the first one (and surpasses it). They will have a Thursday night opening for this in a lot of areas.
I remember how scary the first one was (of course I was only a teenager). It was a good movie. I hope this one lives up to the first one (and surpasses it). They will have a Thursday night opening for this in a lot of areas.
riffjim4069 SatelliteGuys Master Supporting Founder Apr 7, 2004 35,273 374 SatelliteGuystonfieldville, U.S.A. Apr 28, 2010 #4 Part of me wants to see this one and part of me doesn't. So far, I haven't been impressed with the previews. Hmmm...
Part of me wants to see this one and part of me doesn't. So far, I haven't been impressed with the previews. Hmmm...
dangue Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Dec 29, 2007 4,888 1,231 SF Bay Area May 11, 2010 #5 Has anyone seen this? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth movie theater pricing or if it's strictly a netflix watch.
Has anyone seen this? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth movie theater pricing or if it's strictly a netflix watch.
charper1 Bourbon Tester Supporting Founder May 18, 2004 18,442 6 I'm Nationwide May 12, 2010 #6 The story and sound was good (worth a ticket) but after a while the new Freddy's voice started sounding like Slingblade.
The story and sound was good (worth a ticket) but after a while the new Freddy's voice started sounding like Slingblade.
dfergie Proud Staff Member Original poster Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Sep 8, 2003 104,477 9,223 West of the Pecos, between White City and Roswell May 12, 2010 #7 Haven't seen yet (probably wait on BD) but agree with dangue and jim... It is here now and the window is closing (1 more night for me to see) ...
Haven't seen yet (probably wait on BD) but agree with dangue and jim... It is here now and the window is closing (1 more night for me to see) ...