Nothing will download


New Member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
I hooked up the 921, but the software update will not download. An hour plus with Dish support did not help. We turned the unit off for over an hour to force the downlaod, but nothing worked. We did a switch check 5 times, and each time got a different result (the last three producting two columns for SAT1 and thee from SAT2, which the receiver said would not allow the unit to work properly). Then the techie said that the download will not go through a legacy switch.

Does anyone know what the problem is?
MajorHavoc said:
I hooked up the 921, but the software update will not download. An hour plus with Dish support did not help. We turned the unit off for over an hour to force the downlaod, but nothing worked. We did a switch check 5 times, and each time got a different result (the last three producting two columns for SAT1 and thee from SAT2, which the receiver said would not allow the unit to work properly). Then the techie said that the download will not go through a legacy switch.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

My 921 downloaded through an SW64 (legacy) switch with no problems.
Try another 'techie'. The one you had didn't read his script right.

811 at Sears

SW 64 Problem

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