off air reception help needed


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Original poster
Jan 24, 2012
southern middle TN
I live in Southern middle TN and unfortunately my local channels come from Huntsville, AL. I have directv and am not very mechanically/electronically inclined. I was wondering if someone could advise me of all the components(antenna I'm sure I need but don't know what else) I would need to receive local channels from Nashville, TN and not Alabama. I have property I manage here in aneighboring Tennessee town and need to keep up with business/political/educational news from Tennessee and not Alabama. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
welcome :wave
From looking at a map of what county get what loclas you are in the ONE county in Tenn that gets Huntsville locals. I take it you're in Lincoln County?
For fun I ran an address on tvfool, (TV Fool) and chose Ardmore which is in that county. And it looks tough. The best thing to do is post your tvfool report so we can see what you're exactly working with so we can give you some better advise

Another option is to "move"...not physically move but "move" your address with Directv to a location in the Nashville market. Once you have an address that is in the Nashville market they can change it over and get those locals. PM me if you want more info on how to do it :)
OOPS - Ardmore is not in Lincoln County Tennessee - let's try Fayetteville, TN.

Huntsville Alabama is about 30 miles south of Fayetteville, TN and Fayetteville has one edge reception from there at a NM of at least 20dB @ 35 ft. AGL.

Depending on where you live, the signal may be stronger or weaker - an exact location with would be extremely helpful.

Using the above assumption, I'd say a fringe quality UHF antenna should pull in most if not all the Huntsville stations.
OOPS - Ardmore is not in Lincoln County Tennessee - let's try Fayetteville, TN.
well then wiki is wrong ;)
Ardmore is a city in Giles and Lincoln counties in the U.S. state of Tennessee.

Huntsville Alabama is about 30 miles south of Fayetteville, TN and Fayetteville has one edge reception from there at a NM of at least 20dB @ 35 ft. AGL.

Depending on where you live, the signal may be stronger or weaker - an exact location with would be extremely helpful.
Using the above assumption, I'd say a fringe quality UHF antenna should pull in most if not all the Huntsville stations.

But the issue is the OP gets Huntsville on satellite. They want Nashville either via "moving" or an antenna
I conversed with the OP via PM and their TVfool is really ugly for Nashville. Here it is
TV Fool

so I gave them info on an antenna and also "moving" ;)
Certainly looks doable.I would recommend a good amplifier and at a minimum a combo vhf/uhf rated for fringe antenna.Deep fringe would be better.Got a buddy that lives pretty close to Nashville and he had a hard time tuning in Wtvf.That will be the hardest one to get.
Certainly looks doable.I would recommend a good amplifier and at a minimum a combo vhf/uhf rated for fringe antenna.Deep fringe would be better.Got a buddy that lives pretty close to Nashville and he had a hard time tuning in Wtvf.That will be the hardest one to get.
You think it is doable. 70 miles away with cochannel interference possible for most stations, VHF & UHF so a big antenna. I'd like to hear the end results but he really should "MOVE".
You think it is doable. 70 miles away with cochannel interference possible for most stations, VHF & UHF so a big antenna. I'd like to hear the end results but he really should "MOVE".

Yes I do think it's doable.I get stations here in 70% strength that are further away than 70 miles.4 bay uhf antenna and mast mounted amp.Vhf since the digital changeover is a different story.Op could also try separate vhf uhf antennas or just try for the uhf channels.For under $100.Not saying he shouldn't consider a (move) but to me it would be much more gratifying to pull them in ota.If there's ever a dispute over carriage by dish then you still have your locals.

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