Official Word From Universal

I have received a similar letter from my contact at Blu-ray Blu-ray Disc Association:

September 18, 2006

Dear Ilya:

This spring, you received materials explaining the advantages of the Blu-ray format for optical discs. Those materials explained that, to date, over 108 movie and music titles were scheduled for release in Blu-ray Disc and listed the studios behind those releases.

Unfortunately, in the graphics accompanying that text, a few titles from Universal Studios were depicted. Although the Blu-ray format has many advantages over competing technologies and has the support of numerous studios including Disney, Fox, Sony Pictures, MGM, Lions Gate, Paramount and Warner, Universal has decided not to release titles in this format. We will let you know when and if that changes, along with other updates about how well the Blu-ray format has been accepted.

In the meantime, we apologize for any misunderstanding that may have been created by the cover art, as opposed to the actual text of the materials we sent out.
Yah, Universal has been a strong HD DVD supporter all along.
Not sure where all that confusion came from...
Of course, studios want to keep their options open. They will follow the money.
If Blu-ray becomes a success, Universal will support it.
And vice versa, if HD DVD maintains its leadership for another year, I won't be surprised to see Disney and Fox jump ship.

Help needed: dvd recordings display at 4:3

LG: No go on combo BR / HD-DVD

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