Ok to order Hartford locals?

Still not available yet, I just tried ordering and no dice.

The funny part is the Hartford Launch Press Conference for the official Hartford Launch is TOMMOROW in New Britain.

I am wondering if they screwed up the launch date.

Hartford is also not listed on Dish Networks Locals or locals lookup pages.
I just ordered them through dishnetwork.com. New 811 HD system is getting installed on Monday 22nd. Hartford has 8 locals, you can check them at the web site.

I know people in the area that claim they got them Wednesday. I am confused.
I hope you enjoy them. I am surprised that there are so many. When I was ayoung brave I use to visit my grandparents in that area and here were not nearly so many stations. I do however recall that WAAY back in the 60s they had an OTA pay channel tehre. I do not recall the frequency, call letters, or pricing. I do however recall the banners up in fromt of movie theaters telling people not to watch the evil thing called PAY TV.
Added Hartford today with no problems, but got a scare. CSR said "I see you have distant channels" , and I said, yes, why? She said "You know you can keep them also." After breathing a sigh of relief, I said yes I do want to keep them.
I attended the Hartford / New Haven Locals Launch Press Confrence held today in New Britain.

Really not much to report other then locals are up :)

I watched the noon news on WFSB and was happy with the picture quality, they were showing a fire and the smoke looked like smoke, usually in heavy compression smoke looks like smoke boxes.

About time we get locals. :D
Sorry about making a new topic about the hartford locals, didn't realize this one got pushed up. I'm very happy with the picture quality, i'm not sure if all locals look like this, but it looks great. I was expecting it to be a lot more compressed.
Thumbs up here too. Channel 8 (WTNH) seems a little washed out, but overall decent picture quality on the locals.

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