OK..Where's the big surprises now???


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Scott...either you need a new source or I need more patience.

In this thread:


You wrote:

I just spoke with one of my contacts who tells me to expect some surprises.

They are going to try to stay a step ahead of Rupert and DirecTV. Ultimately this battle will be good for all customers.

And you wrote:

Btw I am expecting these suprises this week, not on the chat itself. (Although they will be announced on the chat I am sure)

I waited for the Charlie Chat and the Retailer Chat Chat, and all I've been able to gleen from this is that, surprise, my bill's going up $3.00.

Is there something I missed here?
I beleive the big news was in the Charlie Chat Chat when Scott announced that SatelliteGuys.us was being turned off Jan 17th or 18th...
cdru said:
I beleive the big news was in the Charlie Chat Chat when Scott announced that SatelliteGuys.us was being turned off Jan 17th or 18th...

No, the original post that was mentioned was Scott saying his sources said there would be surprises, I guess the surprise was that there wasn't any.

While I do thank Scott for running this site and trying to get us information I think that he'd been lead down the garden path once too many times. Ove the past few months I was chomping a the bit to see what great news was coming on the CC, and Scott helped to build that up with news from his sources but all we've had is thuds! I think the last big surprise was that HD was dead on SuperDish for now, gee, that wasn't the great news I was waiting for.

Scott, plese don't take this the wrong way but I think you need to cut back on the build up for these Dish surprises/news since there really hasn't been anything that great as of late.
I think I mentioned Surprises last month but I dont believe I mentioned Surprises this month. :)

In fact I gave NO Buildup for this months Charlie Chat.

Echostar is in termoil at the moment. Its funny how quickly Dish is changing things at the moment.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I think I mentioned Surprises last month but I dont believe I mentioned Surprises this month. :)

In fact I gave NO Buildup for this months Charlie Chat.

Echostar is in termoil at the moment. Its funny how quickly Dish is changing things at the moment.

Scott, in thread http://www.satelliteguys.us/forum/viewtopic.php?p=33430&highlight=#33430

You say "I just spoke with one of my contacts who tells me to expect some surprises."

I know it's not like previous months where you really talked it up but I think you need to not believe anything that your sources say about 'surprises' in an upcoming chat since they've missed the mark as of late.
Man it feels like I wrote that a long time ago. :)

I wish what I have been really hearing.

You will notice I backed off on a lot of stuff that I have said.

You should have been in our Retailer Chat today. :D
Scott...the post was on Jan 4th...for this week's chat. I monitored the Retailer Chat online..didn't see anything compelling there either. When you talk of Dish turmoil, are you talking about the folks that are leaving their positions, or are heads rolling over the Super Dish flop?
Scott Greczkowski said:
Man it feels like I wrote that a long time ago. :)

I wish what I have been really hearing.

You will notice I backed off on a lot of stuff that I have said.

You should have been in our Retailer Chat today. :D

I was on the chat today, I asked you if you still liked Vonage (I do).

I don't know if it's just me but I'm really kind of sad at what's been happening with Dish lately. To me it looks like they have no real direction anymore, they have one plan today, a different plan next week. A few months ago, 121 was to have hundreds of new international channels, today in the chat they said they don't know what they're going to do with international's on 121. I switch to E* since a couple of years ago they looked like they were a company that cared about their customers, I don't see that anymore. Now it's how can we lock folks into another 12 months of service (the comment you made today in the chat about the 811 deal locking HD customers in for another 12 months).

Maybe it's time for someone that doesn't 'shoot from the hip' like Charlies been doing for a while to come in and get things on track again. I hate to say it, since SBC isn't one of my favorite companies, but maybe SBC buying Dish would be a good thing. What do you think Scott???
I agree and I believe that is ultimately what you are going to see happen.

Something is WRONG at Dish (I sound like Bob Haller!)

They have their BIGGEST show of the year (The CES) and don't announce a damn thing, the only thing of substance they announce is the DHA promo which as far as I can see does nothing to make money it just pumps their Subscriber numbers to make the company look better to whoever is taking them over.

I had a friend attend the Press Conference at CES and I didnt even report it because I was told that Charlie was playing the role of a politician and not the role of a CEO. The questions that Charlie took he avoided answering like a plague.

The sad part is he dont seem to care anymore. But if hes selling out then why should he?

No thought is being put into anything anymore at Dish and it really is sad. It was a good company.

If you asked a Sr Management person at Dish what some of the solid goals they want to accomplish in the next 9 to 12 months they couldnt tell you as they have no idea, infact asking them to glance 3 months in advance is a stetch now a days.

They are not planning anything out, thinking about things, they just announce new deals and promotions without putting any thought into them, and when they realize they messed up the qucikly backtrack to fix the problem but its too late already.

It really seems that they are doing things by the seat of their pants (and it appears some of them have some holes in those pants.)
I think Rupert will give him a run for his money and perhaps they will end up putting more thought into their company, promotions, and customers. Something has to spark it and perhaps this is what will do it.
Sounds like Dish is in Merger Mode.

I have seen this attitude manys times with other companies and there mergers.

This is normal.
My prediction

The way E* is headed, expect D* to buy them out within a year. That's my prediction anyway.

Sounds like it's time for the share holders to insist on a new CEO.
In order for the Shareholder to vote out Charlie would require Charlie voting himself out since he is the majority shareholder.

I don't see that happening.
Re: My prediction

Harry said:
The way E* is headed, expect D* to buy them out within a year. That's my prediction anyway.

Never happen.

Government antitrust laws won't allow it. That would make D* the sole power of the DBS industry and therefore a monopoly.

Too bad the customers couldn't band together and make it a Co-op owned service.

Only then would you see an improvement in content and support. That will never happen either though.
Re: My prediction

Harry said:
The way E* is headed, expect D* to buy them out within a year. That's my prediction anyway.

Sounds like it's time for the share holders to insist on a new CEO.

Since Uncle Sam wouldn't let E* buy D* I don't see what has changed that would let them approve it the other way around. It's even more unlikely now since D* has all the Fox channels also, programming and distribution.

I do see another player coming out, maybe a phone company, maybe another program provider. I sure hope that something is in the works else E* can't continue with the direction, and lack of, that they have been showing since the D* merger got disapproved.
This has certainly made me consider switching to D*. crappy new receivers, price increase after advertising the feed the pig campaign, and the possibility that they may get Triangle TV and this crap with Bingo TV has made me think a lot. Plus the programming package price is a big factor I have been thinking about.

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