One thing I like about the 921 upgrade

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
The new upgrade has really done nothing for me on my 921. I have been having frequent second tuner lockups since the update. When I tune to the second tuner all's I get is a grey screen (because I have grey bars on)

However I am happy to report that my SuperDISH now is working with my 921. When I turn to Channel 7000 I get the welcome to SuperDISH screen. This is a big fix and I am glad they nailed this one down.

There have been a few people who purchased 921's from DishStore.NET who were upset they could not see their local channels on their 921 because they had the SuperDISH.

So for this part of the update I give it a thumbs up!
I noticed no differences between the 1.45 to 1.46 myself, everything continues to run as it did before. Did they actually fix anything?

Can say much about second tuner lockups, have never seen that happen on mine.
I am also definitely glad they fixed the 105 superdish problem. I was really dreading driving 300+ miles to troubleshoot a 921/superdish problem one of my customers had. I knew it had to be a software issue, but everyone we talked to at DISH said that the superdish or cabling was bad. When 301's would work on the same dish and same cabling, I knew better than that.

That was the most important issue for them to fix in my opinion. :D
jcd4878 said:
I noticed no differences between the 1.45 to 1.46 myself, everything continues to run as it did before. Did they actually fix anything?

1.46 fixed caller id:)

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