OTA Channels at 70,80,90 strength not showing


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 3, 2004
Dayton, OH
I did search for a few minutes, but ran out of time. If this is already covered, please pardon and provide reference pointer.

I have a 921, and I am currently feeding it OTA signals from a crappy indoor amplified antenna (loop+dipoles). Since I only live 15-20 miles from the broadcast towers, this usually does the trick. I do plan on installing a BIG antenna *in* my attic, or on my roof if the attic ends up not working...but for now, I just have the standard amplified indoor antennna that you see everywhere, anymore.

Now then, even so, I live in the Dayton, OH area, and I can pickup digital channels 18,26,30,41,50,51,58. Usually, I can also pick up 16, but not for the last 2 days...maybe they're working on it again, since it's only been up about 3 months?

At any rate, I think 18 is remapped to 02, but I'm not sure. And, I am getting at least average of 80 signal strength on all of these channels, with some averaging around 100!
I can watch 2,26,41,51 (ABC, WB, CBS, NBC) - so, that's good.
But, I cannot see 18, 30, 50, 58. One of these is mapped to 02. The other three have plenty of signal strength, and don't show up anywhere in my lineup, and I have no idea why.

I did have all of these channels added in at one time...then I deleted them all and re-added, in several different sessions. Also, when I originally had all the OTA channels, I had Analog channels in my lineup as well. When I re-added, I added ONLY Digital.

Otherwise, I have no additional useful details. Anyone else seeing this kind of problem with Digital OTA?

The digital OTA non reception is a well known problem. I was just bitching about the Oscars going to the aquiring signal screen last night on another thread.

Lets hope they nail this down with the next software update.

Are you happy with your 811?

***Everyone read this***picture quality

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