***Everyone read this***picture quality


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the terrible picture quality from Dish. This over compression has got to go. For the price we pay every month, we deserve much better.
There should be no reason why I can take my 811 receiver and receive significally better picture quality for my locals OTA with a radio shack antenna for FREE than PAYING $5.99 a month EXTRA for terrible picture quality from Dish. And it's not just local channels that look horrible.
The whole point for me leaving cable in the first place was because Dish claims that EVERY channel is in digital quality. Wow, what a loose term that is.
All of the sudden, cable doesn't look to be such a bad deal. For the same or less money, I can get better picture quality and more high def channels including local high def channels.

The only way this will change if we all stick together and voice our concerns. Please, everyone email ceo@echostar.com and tell them to do something about the over compression picture quality.

Iceman said:
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the terrible picture quality from Dish. This over compression has got to go. For the price we pay every month, we deserve much better.
There should be no reason why I can take my 811 receiver and receive significally better picture quality for my locals OTA with a radio shack antenna for FREE than PAYING $5.99 a month EXTRA for terrible picture quality from Dish. And it's not just local channels that look horrible.
The whole point for me leaving cable in the first place was because Dish claims that EVERY channel is in digital quality. Wow, what a loose term that is.
All of the sudden, cable doesn't look to be such a bad deal. For the same or less money, I can get better picture quality and more high def channels including local high def channels.

The only way this will change if we all stick together and voice our concerns. Please, everyone email ceo@echostar.com and tell them to do something about the over compression picture quality.


Have you tried troubleshooting this yet? There was another thread either yesterday or today which some online resources might help you out.
E* PQ has deteriorated over the 4-1/2 years I've been with them. It started out great. Much better than the local cable feed I'd had for many years. But, while AT&T/Comcast upgraded their service with digital quality, E* has been ove-compressing their feed, which deteriorated their PQ. Using the same 4700 receiver to the same 27" and 35" TVs, the reduce PQ has become very apparent. What really got me was how good local cable looks now. I was watching a relative's TV w/ Comcast digital cable basic package yesterday and I was blown away with how much better the PQ looked compared to my E* PQ.

E* apparently just doesn't have enough capacity for all those "locals" w/o reducing the capacity demand of the individual signals. So all of us long-time customers are now paying more for a service that isn't as good as when we originally signed up. Personnally, I've been pointing folks toward cable when asked about providers for their new TV set ups. Cable is doing a better job with HDTV and w/ SD PQ, so, unless a few dollars a month difference is your only criteria, E* isn't competing anymore.

bcshields said:
Have you tried troubleshooting this yet? There was another thread either yesterday or today which some online resources might help you out.
Of course I have troubleshooted, but with no results. I get the same terrible PQ with all my receivers. 4000,7200,811. All look like crap on my 27" Sony and my HD 65" Mits Diamond.
Iceman said:
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of the terrible picture quality from Dish. This over compression has got to go. For the price we pay every month, we deserve much better.
There should be no reason why I can take my 811 receiver and receive significally better picture quality for my locals OTA with a radio shack antenna for FREE than PAYING $5.99 a month EXTRA for terrible picture quality from Dish. And it's not just local channels that look horrible.
The whole point for me leaving cable in the first place was because Dish claims that EVERY channel is in digital quality. Wow, what a loose term that is.
All of the sudden, cable doesn't look to be such a bad deal. For the same or less money, I can get better picture quality and more high def channels including local high def channels.

The only way this will change if we all stick together and voice our concerns. Please, everyone email ceo@echostar.com and tell them to do something about the over compression picture quality.


I just sent an email to dish and told them i will break my contract if they dont get this 811 box working. I also told them about the horrible picture quality and bad customer care. I signed up for 1 year but theres no way im paying for service like this when there are other providers to go to.
My picture looks good. People actually comment on how good it looks. I remember a long time ago when it was worse, and I would get pixelation during things like explosions and such, but not any more. I have only seen this during storms just before I lose lock all together, but otherwise I'm not seeing what you are.

Is it just your locals or everything? If it is the locals only and you can get a better picture OTA, don't pay for them. Heck I wouldn't. Now is your OTA, analog or digitial that you are comparing? In some areas dish gets fed a crap signal, so you get what they get.

Not defending dish here, just my picture looks very good. Much better than my local cable can deliver.
My 301 puts out a very good picture on a 27" Sony. The 811 puts out a stellar HD picture to my 50" DLP. The satellite SD picture is acceptable. The OTA analog is very sub-par.
IMHO, E* has the best PQ of anyone i have seen. Adelphia, my local CC, pq isnt all bad either, and i love my cable internet, but I had to switch to e* because of NBA League Pass, and a DVR. I think that D* customers should be complaining about PQ, and not us with E*.
A lot of the PQ is determined by your Television.

I always thought the SD stuff on dish looked like crap until I had my TV ISF Calibrated. After it was done I couldn't believe the SD channels looked so good.

Only real time I notice PQ issues is when I am watching a B&W movie, the the B&W looks like 32 shades of grey. :)
D* has gone down also on the same set over the last few years..remember the bigger the set the Better good stuff looks and the worse (bad pq)artifacts etc looks!
I have a 65" RPTV, spent months tweaking it just to make Dish look great on it.

It look perfect, except for sometimes the locals dont look so hot, but then again they are coming from an over the air antenna, to the dish local receiver and then to the dish up link center.

Weather seems to make a difference still on locals as not all locals use FIber to the up link local receive point.

My other channels look like DVD quality most of the time.

Tweak the TV. You cant use Avia or DVE as that is for DVD players, look at the channels and tweak.

Arghhhhhhhhhh!!! This is after tweaking!!! Though I may be a newbie to this board, I am certaintly not a newbie to Electronic equipment or Dish. All of my tv's have been peaked, tweaked, calibrated, aligned, tuned, converged....did I missed anything?? It is not a tv problem. This is a dish problem! If you are satisfied with your picture quality, then just disregard this whole topic.
But, if you are like me and MANY other customers that are fed up with paying too much for crappy PQ then I urge every person who reads this to email ceo@echostar.com and put in your two cents worth.
this is what dish claims......

This is from Dish Network's own webpage. Click on stop feeding the pig, then click on the link that says "why dish network?" I have underlined the good parts.
Here's what it says:

First things first. What is DISH Network satellite TV?

DISH Network satellite TV delivers hundreds of channels directly into your home: a wide selection of movies, news, sports and International entertainment to satisfy any household and meet any budget. All our entertainment comes to you in 100% digital clarity. This means that the picture you see is digitally encoded and arrives on your screen in exactly the manner the programmer intended. Basic cable service uses less advanced analog technology prone to distort the picture with shadowing, fuzziness and static. Many cable companies don’t tell you that even when you upgrade to digital cable, often only a portion of the channels offered are digital: the rest remain analog.

Digital clarity sure is loose term isn't it? I seriously doubt the programmer want us to look at pixelation.
My question is: Does PQ vary by geographic location relative to the satellites??

I am in the DC area. With my 921, my PQ is quite good & definitely better than Adelphia Cable. The PPV & HBO, etc movie channels come across near DVD quality. I do understand that these are less compressed. However, my local via Dish do have good PQ. MUCH better than anything I've seen on cable. Also, I have seen posted that some locals have more channels stuffed onto spot beams than others. Thus, these would look worse.
I do have an OTA antenna for the major locals, but it is worth having the DIsh locals for backup since we all know that OTA can be iffy at times.
“100 Digital Picture Quality” is a joke. Dish knows that most people have 27” TV sets or less and most of those people don’t care or know about picture quality. Dish continues to crank up the compression so they can cram more and more locals into their system. That is where the money is. As long as only a small percentage of their customers complain they will continue to crank it up. “100 Digital Picture Quality” only means you don’t see the analog problems like ghosting, interference lines in the picture, snow etc. it doesn’t mean the picture is any better. The massive amount of compression used turns the picture to crap.

If you have a decent TV the picture quality of Dish Network sucks. Just compare OTA locals with Dish Network locals – they are not even close!

The satellite companies have either started or soon will start doing the same thing to HDTV. I would urge every one that thinks HDTV should be HDTV to call, email, mail or whatever all the providers and let them know we won’t let them do to HD what they have already to done to SD.
Mike Greer said:
“100 Digital Picture Quality” is a joke. Dish knows that most people have 27” TV sets or less and most of those people don’t care or know about picture quality. Dish continues to crank up the compression so they can cram more and more locals into their system. That is where the money is. As long as only a small percentage of their customers complain they will continue to crank it up. “100 Digital Picture Quality” only means you don’t see the analog problems like ghosting, interference lines in the picture, snow etc. it doesn’t mean the picture is any better. The massive amount of compression used turns the picture to crap.

If you have a decent TV the picture quality of Dish Network sucks. Just compare OTA locals with Dish Network locals – they are not even close!

The satellite companies have either started or soon will start doing the same thing to HDTV. I would urge every one that thinks HDTV should be HDTV to call, email, mail or whatever all the providers and let them know we won’t let them do to HD what they have already to done to SD.
:neener :neener just cancel the service and quit your :river :river
Iceman said:
Arghhhhhhhhhh!!! This is a dish problem! If you are satisfied with your picture quality, then just disregard this whole topic.
But, if you are like me and MANY other customers that are fed up with paying too much for crappy PQ then I urge every person who reads this to email ceo@echostar.com and put in your two cents worth.

The title of this thread is: **************Everybody Read this!!**************.

Ok, then you have to know that there are those of us who are satisfied (entirely) when it comes to the picture quality with the 811 receiver. I'm not happy about the software problems, but I have absolutely no complaint with the picture. I have only the 811, upgraded from a 5000 connected to my 50HDX82 Toshiba. The picture is perfect. Not dark, and impressive both in SD and HD. I don't know if it's just the Toshiba as the largest other tvs I have are 21" (3 of them in other rooms) hooked up via a distribution amplifier. They have great pictures also. The Toshiba does have a line doubler.

So, you asked everyone to "read this". I did, I commented. I think there must be something wrong with either your installation or tv setup. I'm not an electronic engineer. I have DVI, component, and s-video connectors hooked up, and I'm happy (except for the damn delay in software updates).

Since this gentleman is a long term customer... could it be a problem with old equipment? LNBF's deteriourating, a rusted connector, a burnt stem maybe?

I know it'll affect a signal, but if he's seeing gradual deterioration, maybe weathering is the issue?
juan said:
:neener :neener just cancel the service and quit your :river :river

Thanks for the advice but I already canceled by service. :yes

I must have hit a nerve - but just beacuse you don't care about the picture quality doesn't mean no one cares about picture quality. :haha

If it wasn't for freaks like me :shocked Dish Network and DirecTV would be cramming double or triple what they are now. I want satellite TV and can hardly stand going to cable but I won't pay big bucks for marketing hype - I'll leave that to those like you who don't mind paying for crap service aka '100 % Digital Quality'.
bcshields said:
Since this gentleman is a long term customer... could it be a problem with old equipment? LNBF's deteriourating, a rusted connector, a burnt stem maybe?

I know it'll affect a signal, but if he's seeing gradual deterioration, maybe weathering is the issue?

No - the problem is the number of local channels they have added. They don't have room for them all but need to have them so they can compete with cable companies. The more they add the worse they look. You can't get something for nothing.

OTA Channels at 70,80,90 strength not showing

Superdish install

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