Hawkeyee said:I am getting a 811 tomorrow, my question is simple with Direct Tv and Voom I always got the guide info for what show were on with the ota, does the 811 give you that guide info as well?
mike1002 said:Yes, it does give you a guide for the OTA stations you receive.
mike1002 said:Thanks Wee Java Dude. That is what I was trying (apparently not with much success) to say. There IS a Guide (of not much use at this point in time) but when laid next to the Dish provided locals can give you an idea of what is on at that time. No one said anything about timers working. I don't use the timers on a receiver anyway that's what my 508 is for. The point I was making was that there IS a guide and at 'some time in the future' it will work. And yes, I know that some channels don't line up with the locals guides. For example the PBS-HD channel is totally different from the local PBS channel.
Thats what gets daunting in some of these forums. When you say something you have to think of all the ways someone can find fault with what you say. I will retire back to lurker's mode now.
WeeJavaDude said:Don't worry Mike.. The OTA EPG LOCAL GUIDE MAPPING issue is a real hot button for Gary.
snathanb said:No, it doesn't. But, it is in the product roadmap to be added in the July timeframe.
SatinKzo said:Where is this roadmap you speak of?
bjohn said:Yes, I find it annoying that dish doesn't have OTA info.
If you're like me and doesn't subscribe to local channels, there's no guide or substitute.
GaryPen said:Since I hardly ever use the 811 anymore, there are no "hot buttons". However, lack of OTA guide info is important and a big disappointment, as are about 3 other 811 bugs/deficiencies.
Remember, the guy originally asked if the 811 had OTA program guide info like that of his DirecTV and Voom receivers. The correct answer to that specific question is "as of now, no, it does not". The workaround described by Mike and WJD is a weak substitute at best. (Like saying fat-free sugar-free frozen yogurt is as good as real ice cream.)
Doesn't anybody else find it somewhat annoying that Dish hasn't been able to impliment it, even though DirecTV has been doing it for years, and newborn Voom can do it?
Hopefully, Dish will finally have it up and running this summer.
GaryPen said:It's actually not at the top. The "acquiring signal", "downloading guide info", and "disappearing captions" are probably above it. However, it does come before "OTA channel recall" not working.
BTW, I have a headache. Nothing is funny today.
Do you leave your 811 unplugged or plugged in and connect to the Dish? Maybe the guide info is trigged with use and if you were using it on a daily basis this would not happen. For me I have only seen it after the acquiring signal. (Longest running bug on the 6000/811)GaryPen said:I get the "downloading info" after it does its "acquiring signal", the same as you. But, I also get it if I go to the guide after not having gone to the guide in a while. (This is common for me, as I sometimes go a couple of days without using the 811.)
Hmm I will have to pay more attention to this one to see if what I believe is true really is. I could have sworn in a few cases it was not related to camping on an OTA for a while. This seems to be exactly how I remember the 6000 behaving for me. The 811 has been rock solid for me since the last update. No more soft reboots.GaryPen said:However, I have only gotten the "acquiring signal", when going to the guide directly from an OTA channel. Also, IIRC, I have to have been in OTA mode for at least 20-30 minutes first.
Never seen this. I did before the last update where it went in a infinite loop. 266 seems to have fixed that one for me. Thank goodness it was very annoying and required soft reboot. However, I never got the acquiring signal issue so it makes me feel that this bug made the other one go away. Possibility.GaryPen said:I also have the guide-related bug wherein the guide goes nuts and begins the download again, if I scroll down immediately after a download. Have you seen that on yours? (Scrolling up is OK.)