New 811 Install


New Member
Original poster
Jun 9, 2004
Took the HD Dish bait and switched from Directv yesterday. Install was very good and professional - both guys knew what they were doing. The only problem they ran into was 110 being down, so after doing all they could (they did get dead on 100+ reading on 129), they left and said when it was up, they would be back. Two hours later they arrived, took about 20 minutes to get everything up and running. I am very pleased with the 811, with HBO-HD looking very crisp. We were able to watch the Sapranos & Deadwood last night and a big difference viewing it in HD than Sunday night.
Overall the picture quality for non-HD is about the same as Directv.
Everything is working fine, except for some reason I can't get the input button on the remote to work on my Toshiba widescreen.
I'll give this install a solid A!

Now I have some more work to do in the back yard - digging up the real old primestar pole & directv pole... :)

OTA Guide Info

Another Rant on Dish....!!!!

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