OTA Reception Problem w/ VIP 211

I called Dish tonight regarding my 211 issue and of course they had me do the same reboot , rescan etc that I have already been doing. They insist that it is something to do with the stations transmitting the signal and not the receiver. Would not let me return the receiver since everything else was functioning. I am using an RCA power antenna.

But, did they do a complete removal of your subscription and re-establishing of it, which would mean about 10-20 minutes of downloading from the satellite to re-establish all your subscribed channels... as if it were a new replacement receiver?

I don't know all the technical details of what that implies, but though I am a self-taught engineer (with some, but minimal RF experience), I do work a lot on intuition. And, I sense that it was not the hardware's fault, but some sort of corruption in the software setup, perhaps over time and also if the stations changed things, the receiver software was not aware of it.

Apparently, the 211 requires a Dish subscription in order to receive OTA signals. Also, during my switchover to the new replacement 211, the gal mentioned that the satellite would be looking at the OTA signal response from the receiver... so it seemed like there was some interaction there, such that the satellite signal/software might adjust things in the receiver to best accomodate the OTA channels I had scanned in. It sounds odd, but not implausable. Thus, a complete re-subscribing scenerio might work... to freshen things up. Also, after doing this, I did notice channel 6's new 3rd channel (06-3). So something was different. Even though I'd removed and re-added local channel 6 on the old unit and it did not show that 3rd channel!

So, really there were four possible scenerios I see;
1. The 211 hardware was bad. (I question that)
2. This replacement 211 has upgraded hardware. (doubtful)
3. Software corruption requiring a complete resubscribing essentially.
4. Channel 6,10 & 40 and Dish happened to work everything out with the 720P transmission which all 3 of those stations are doing... at the EXACT same time I setup my new 211 replacement 3 or so days ago... heh. (Does this mean I could have won the lottery too, due to my timely luck? :) ).

#2 seems plausable.

Tell them they have another customer in Oakley who's SAME problem was solved by a 211 replacement in the same area with the same 3-channel problem and they replaced HIS and he even called in the success of it so they would report that as a KNOWN issue!!!
I am getting a replacement 211 sent to me next week as I could not get the loss og channels 6,10 and 40 resolved. I mentioned the fix that Spirit posted above and was the Dish Tech was a bit puzzled by it and we decided it was best to send out another receiver. Hopefully the new receiver solves the issue.
I am getting a replacement 211 sent to me next week as I could not get the loss og channels 6,10 and 40 resolved. I mentioned the fix that Spirit posted above and was the Dish Tech was a bit puzzled by it and we decided it was best to send out another receiver. Hopefully the new receiver solves the issue.

Let me know how it goes! :)
After 30min online with tech support "troubleshooting" without any breakthroughs, I'm also getting a replacement 211. I'm very sceptical that a new box will fix this problem. I still believe it's a software 720p problem. I will find out soon.

I received my replacement VIP211 and IT WAS THE BOX! All OTA stations come in strong, only issue now is KCRA 3 with a strange blip/pixleation every so often even at the strongest signal. 6, 10 and 40 are all a go now. I am guessing a software issue with my previous 211.
I received my replacement VIP211 and IT WAS THE BOX! All OTA stations come in strong, only issue now is KCRA 3 with a strange blip/pixleation every so often even at the strongest signal. 6, 10 and 40 are all a go now. I am guessing a software issue with my previous 211.

Great news. Glad it worked out for you. There is something up with KCRA. I see the blips/pixelations on all of my receivers and TV tuner using three different antennas.

The 211 came with L345 as the software. I tested my TV tuner with channel 3 and there is an issue, but it is a little different than with the 211 tuner. The TV tuner has audio dropouts only and not pixels. And I do notice that my signal strength with channel 3 is now between 72-78 with the replacement 211 instead of 95-100 with the old 211. Luckily I have an alternate NBC affiliate to watch when it gets irritating.
Got my replacement Vip211 today. My problems with OTA seem to be gone :) Very strange how three of us took a hit on the same channels at the same time, and new boxes are the answer. I'm happy regardless.

BTW the new 211 came with L056 and had to download/install for 15min to get to L345. I then scanned for locals and found them all, but denied access until activation! After activation all OTA channels are 100% (that's much higher than old box). No more error "signal lost".

Maybe this box will last longer than 1y+1mo. Yep that's right I was less than one month out of warranty. I had to pay $20+$15 shipping to get this replaced.


Are you still having issues with NBC (KCRA 3)? I get the pixelation and sound dropout that lasts for a second. Doesn't matter if my antenna signal is 70 or 100 %?
I get constant drop outs on 3.1 in madison. It is 1080i CBS. This happens at two differnet locations with 2 different antenna types. both are 211's. there must be a problem with the software since the upgrade for the 211 recently. I checked on AVS and the Madison thread and numerous people with the 211 are seeing the same problem. First it was the HDMI did not have audio or work on my new 211 now this. Overall I am happy with E* but this sucks as it is March Madness.
IS a new receiver what I need or a software fix?
siganl strength is alway above 95 on 3.1 also.

Also I have a PC HDTV tuner card and 3.1 comes in crystal clear with no drop outs so I am guessing software.
Just recently I've been having major OTA problems on my 211. I've been noticing blips and lost signals even with 80-90% signal. Then, I've noticed TWICE now that when I change from one OTA channel to another it'll just drop all signal, like the OTA tuner locked up. It will show 0 signal for all ota channels until I pull the plug and reset it.


I want the old software back, that was relatively bug free.
Just recently I've been having major OTA problems on my 211. I've been noticing blips and lost signals even with 80-90% signal. Then, I've noticed TWICE now that when I change from one OTA channel to another it'll just drop all signal, like the OTA tuner locked up. It will show 0 signal for all ota channels until I pull the plug and reset it.


I want the old software back, that was relatively bug free.

I've had my 211 for about 3 weeks now and it did the same thing (dropped signal when changing ota) the first day I had it. I did the 10sec hold down on the power switch and it did reset and has been working fine since.
Same crap with my 411, OTA drops out, freezes up etc. Solution? I hooked back up my old ACTIVATED VOOM box and VOILA! perfect OTA reception. Wish E* had been smart enough to switch over to this box instead, VOOM was working on a Mpeg-4 module for it if I remember. I called E* tech and gave them a piece of my mind about their equipment quality, and if its not fixed soon I might just tell them to take a hike and go elsewhere. I do have choices.
I have the same thing with OTA many times on my two 211's. The OTA gives me a black screen when changing between two OTA channels, while the satellite channels still come in. The only way to bring back OTA channels is to reset the box. I think it is a software bug, because it did not due this for the first 8 months or so that I owned the 211's. This only started in the past few months.
I have the same thing with OTA many times on my two 211's. The OTA gives me a black screen when changing between two OTA channels, while the satellite channels still come in. The only way to bring back OTA channels is to reset the box. I think it is a software bug, because it did not due this for the first 8 months or so that I owned the 211's. This only started in the past few months.

My OTA woes have gotten worse. Very often now my 211 will lose OTA signal completely, forcing a reset, which of course takes like 10 minutes. Like you, I had no issues with this box until recently. Not exactly sure when it first started since I've been out of town the last few weeks. I'm going to bet this is another software issue they will deny forever and just keep replacing people's hardware, wasting both their money and ours.

Picture not centered on HDMI output

Adding a leased reciever, fees question

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