Out of sync audio/video recordings


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 19, 2020
This started on my wired J3 a few months ago (H3 seems fine), never had a problem before that. I saw some info here, to turn "volume leveling" off, & maybe "dolby audio", which did help, but not entirely. Any other tips to help this problem? Maybe the splitter at cable box? Thanks,
Sometimes pause/rewind/ffwd helps, other times I have to change the channel then go back to it.

How long since you did a power cord reboot of the J3?
I'm restarting this thread becuase yesterday I updated my H3, & J3, & the out of sync problem disappeared. I don't know if dish fixed something (doubtful), or buy running the update somehow repairing it. If that's the case, & the problem returns, what can I do in settings/tools to update again, if there's no new update available ? Thanks
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