Paperless Biling

Peter Parker

Formerly Geronimo
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Sep 9, 2003
I ws away asn came home to phone message from DISH that was sucha low volume that I could hardly hear it. After i played it a few times I realized that it was telling me that DISH had changed me to paperless billing and that I had to call to prevent this----This was actually described as a convenience to me.

I called and was told that DISH would be happy to take credit card autopay off my account. When I asked the CSR what this has to do with paperless billing he told me that he thoght that tthey were the same thing.

I wound up talking to a supervisior who told me that they could not understand why I did not appreciate this convenience. I finally got them to restore my paper billing and keep my credit card autopay.

Am i the only one that had to call DISH to get them to NOT change my billing terms?

I do realize that many would prefer paperless billing but it seems to me that the change should be initiated by the sub not E*.
I got that call too. I got the message after the 3 days warning though, so I havent called. Plus I just havent had that irresistable desire to speak quasi english with someone in the Philippines or India. Probably wind up doing more harm to my account than good.
There trying to save a tree and put a couple more pennies in Charlie's pocket. Geronimo, You are already on autopay so you get this piece of paper in the mail to say that your credit card will be charged on such-n- such a date usually a couple of days after you get an e-mail that your credit card is going to get charged. I got that phone call also, and thought it was a great convenience not to have more useless info than needed. If I need a current statement I'll just get one from their website.
Kirby Baker said:
I got that call too. I got the message after the 3 days warning though, so I haven't called. Plus I just haven't had that irresistible desire to speak quasi English with someone in the Philippines or India. Probably wind up doing more harm to my account than good.

I received this call twice in about two weeks! First one was left on the answering machine and when I returned the call it was an automatic no, just returning the call. The second one I was home and just pressed the #1 (I think) to refuse.

This is just a way for DISH to lower it's expenses, and with this automated system they may have about a 50% non-reply, so what a great deal for them, by default.

When I made my first call I was ready to tell the CSR "OK how much will you lower my monthly billing to take your offer?" But again this is all automated.

I read a few years ago that just to send a monthly Statement it cost a Company over $2.40. Expenses are not just the postage, and many Companies sublet this process. Share the reduction with your Customers and maybe I would agree.

Have been offered a one-time $5.00 credit once before to go paper-less, but refused, by another Firm.

Old sneaky DISH has found a way to reduce sending monthly statements just by not returning their call! And yes my first call was so low on volume I have to replay it back several times to understand it, too.

These phone calls are really not from DISH I suspect, but are sub-contracted and are paid on the number of non-returned calls. This way both the sub-contractor and DISH make money. DISH continues on every month, and the calling company would receive a one-time fee.

Should be against State Law to approve a change on your account without returning a call!
I understand what it is. I also understand that it saves them money. But neither of those justifies doing it as they have.

That is my opinion anyway.
I got his call Saturday. I didn't answer it since we've been getting a crapload of automated calls telling us who we should vote for this November. Anyway, the call made it sound like we should be honored that we "qualified" for paperless billing. Woo hoo.

If I wanted paperless billing, I would have enabled it.
If you sign up and change your mind later....does that cost you $5 to stop Auto-Pay?


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I havent received any call from Dish yet. IMO the customer should have the option of paperless billing if they want it. It shouldnt be automatically changed for you.

It saves DISH money to go paperless so that should be passed on to the customer.

How long after the RSN's are turned on before Charlie implements a rate increase ?
Nevada_MO_Guy said:
If you sign up and change your mind later....does that cost you $5 to stop Auto-Pay?

I don,t know but the thread is about being put on paperless billing without asking for it---not changing your decision to get credit card auto pay.
Geronimo said:
I don,t know but the thread is about being put on paperless billing without asking for it---not changing your decision to get credit card auto pay.
Thanks for that.

My concern was if you are encouraged to sign up for paperless billing, or if you are automatically signed up for paperless billing and paperless billing is auto pay.....then, if you decide to cancel paperless billing/auto pay, does it cost you to change.
Got the call too. But I hung up after about 10 seconds. I wonder if they can legally switch me if they have never officially given me the offer.

Dish should be offering a small discount to people who have AutoPay and Paperless Billing. All of the advantages here go to Dish, not to us. Even if it were only a buck a month, at least that would be something.
My online dish network account has a link in the billing section to switch to paperless billing. They give a 1 time credit of $5.00 for doing so.
Geronimo said:
I ws away asn came home to phone message from DISH that was sucha low volume that I could hardly hear it. After i played it a few times I realized that it was telling me that DISH had changed me to paperless billing and that I had to call to prevent this----This was actually described as a convenience to me.

I called and was told that DISH would be happy to take credit card autopay off my account. When I asked the CSR what this has to do with paperless billing he told me that he thoght that tthey were the same thing.

I wound up talking to a supervisior who told me that they could not understand why I did not appreciate this convenience. I finally got them to restore my paper billing and keep my credit card autopay.

Am i the only one that had to call DISH to get them to NOT change my billing terms?

I do realize that many would prefer paperless billing but it seems to me that the change should be initiated by the sub not E*.

I got that phone call too. I called back the 888 number they left - punched in my phone number and said NO to paperless billing.
Nevada_MO_Guy said:
Thanks for that.

My concern was if you are encouraged to sign up for paperless billing, or if you are automatically signed up for paperless billing and paperless billing is auto pay.....then, if you decide to cancel paperless billing/auto pay, does it cost you to change.

Are you the first CSR I dealt with?
I'm with DirecTV. It wants customers to go the paperless route. As does one of my credit-card issuers. In fact, it's realistic to figure most to all companies are wanting regular customers to switch monthly statements from U.S. mailing to electronic form.

So long as nothing forces such change, I want to receive, via U.S. mail, statments on balances from everyone I may owe. It's good for me as a consumer and the employees for their jobs.
I am doing paperless billing and they still send me the bill in the mail. I even checked the other night to make sure I was still signed up and it told me I was. I just throw them away anyway, so why get them to start with.

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