Pause or skip or hold or suspend timers without deleting them?


SatelliteGuys Master
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Mar 15, 2005
Beta Omicron Delta III
I have a VIP622 dvr. I have a lot of timers that I want to keep, but in these days of shows being shown over and over, and over again there's many that re-record during the "off season". I thought I remember once reading, that there's a way to keep a timer, but suspend it from recording? Does this exist, and can you tell me how to do it?

I'm not referring to going through the daily schedule every so often, and doing a "skip" individually on shows you don't want. I mean skipping a timer until you take off the skip to let it record once again.

Press the dvr button 3 times. That brings up your daily list of timers. Arrow over to the list. Arrow up and down. You can changed a Skipped recording to Record by pressing the Info button and then select the Restore button and the opposite by pressing the Skip button. You can change the properties by selecting Timer from the menu after you press Info and then Edit. You can change from All/New, etc.
Hope that helps.

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