Pepper's last day

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Update: In the arms of his loving family, Pepper passed away at 5:45CDT today. He is in a better place, I am convinced we will be with him again when this life is over. If you have contradicting theological beliefs please don't tell me.

Thanks again for all your kind thoughts.
The best choices in life are sometimes the hardest to make. I am sure the dog appreciates not having to suffer any more. I wish the same humane methods could be extended to two legged creatures as well.

If its to personal dont answer, any kids? If so how did they take it ?
If its to personal dont answer, any kids? If so how did they take it ?
Only Graci the Yorkie, no human children in our family. We like it that way. Don't get me wrong, we love kids, we just prefer the ones we can give back to their parents when they become a nusiance. :) Graci knew something was wrong, I expect she will need special attention for a while.

ps I like the new avatar you chose.
I often wonder how strong a bond becomes between pets. I wonder how lonely your dog who is left will be. Keep us updated to how the attitude changes.

ps: thanks :p
sorry for your loss.

i look forward to seeing my mom, grandma, spookey my bunny, ginger nina tammy boo happy, and some other nice puppies.

they are all in a better place...... is a excellent way to find a new pet from a shelter. enter zip code, breed, age size etc.

checks all the animal shelters everywhere.

often these dogs and other pets will be killed if they dont find a new home.

you can save a life and make a new best buddy.

sassy is a rescue dog, she was within hours of being killed. a very nice dog
So sorry to hear I went through the same thing last year.
our 3 dogs have it good here, 2 doggie doors, with pretty big fenced in yard........

a literal puppy paradise
Pepper, you've taken me back to 12 years ago when I had to go through the same thing with my 16 year old dog. It tore my heart out to lose her and I still think about her. Hope you feel better soon, it takes time.
We understand. I have been faced with the same decision. Based on what you have said you did the right thing but it is a very difficult decision to make and to carry out. You are absolutely right about unconditional love. No human can love you without conditions as a dog can. But part of taht si that Pepper always knew that you would make the right choices and this is one of them.

All I can really say is try to remember all the joy the dog brought you. Don't let your grief deprive you of those memories.

could not have said it better myself. when my cat died a number of years ago i struggled with the fact i didn't do more. somehow, in my heart, when he got sick i sorta knew that was it. i made him as comfortable as i could and spent what time i could with him until he died. i was glad i was home when it was his time and not at work. i buried him in the backyard and visited him many weeks until i was ready to let go.

the most comforting thought i received at that time was from someone i knew who worked at the local humane society and often did grief counseling. she assured me that somehow my cat appreciated what i did for him during his last few days.

i know pepper felt the same way!!
Damn little fuzz balls really get into the softest parts of our hearts dont they? I got into an arguement with my boss the other day when he said he was going to take a litter of kittens on a watery trip, god he made me mad.

Im sorry for your loss Pepper and Dan, its never as easy as one would think it would be with pets.
I just wanted to send my apologies to both of you. In many cases, pets have been more loyal friends to me than humans. Regardless, you'll be reunited one day never to be apart again.

I hate to ask and if it's too personal, please accept my apologies but are you thinking about adopting a new pet or just spending more time with the other animals you have?

I lost two cats in the last year and, if my mind doesn't change this Friday, I'm planning on adopting a kitten. I've even got her picked out on :) I've moved into a new home and, honestly, felt as though I'd be betraying Willow and Linus if I got a new pet but it's somewhat lonely in the new home so I think I'm going to move forward with adopting a pal. I'd love to bring two home but I'm only living in a 1000 square foot house and don't want things to seem too crowded.

So sorry for your loss, and I have shared your pain. We've lost 2 of our beloved over the last 4 years. The first was Elsie, a long haired Chihuahua, she was 17 years old when we had to make a similar decision, fortunately she had divorced herself from our affection a few years earlier and we were merely her keepers. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as when we lost Maggie, a Minature Pinscher. We had four at the time, Missy, Maggie, Molly and Moka. Each unique and special in their own way. While I love them all, Maggie was very special to me. I work at night and while the others would great me when I got home at midnight, Maggie would always sit in my lap at night until I went to bed. We lost her when she coded during a teeth cleaning while under anesthesia. I was crushed, probably the most upset I've been in a long time. Recently, fate has brought us a new member to our family. Punkin a red Minature Pinscher (all our others are black), headed for the pound and rescued by us. I KNOW I will see Maggie again, as well as Elsie.


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