Perhaps the 921 will release with working firewire?


Original poster
Oct 30, 2003
With the original early November release date for the 921, firewire wasn't expected to be operational. Is there some chance that the mid December release has allowed time to make it operational? Arguing against this are the earlier suggestions that they would have it working by January or February.

921 released for wide distribution by Dec 31 some early shipping in limited quantities by Dec 7.

DishWire for JVC 30K and 40K announced and demoed at CES2004 for new software upgrade to commence week of CES

Dish to announce New HD programming of Cinemax HD and Starz HD for AEP and movie channel subs on 105 and temporarily on 110 or 61.5 until new 105 bird is operational.

I have no supportive evidence but the above is my best case scenario wish.

110 and 119 Signal on Small Dish

Clarity of SD on widescreen

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