Pinball Anyone?

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You would think people in that area would know to have their tire chains in the trunk and to install them BEFORE leaving, home or work. That is ICE. That one guy does sound like he may have jammed it into reverse and tried to gas it.
I would have been scared in the car that was sliding sideways, you could see the driver turning the wheel every which way to get out of it, but no..... POW! :)
Yep! reminds me again why I moved out of NY to Florida!


Snow, big deal. Now if my house was under 10 feet of water that IS a big deal.

Snow is EASY to drive on, ICE is NOT. In that video is cars are "DRIVING" on ICE. In NY we almost never get ICE. Snow is easy, JUST SLOW DOWN. I could NOT believe you could hear the cars' drivers on the Throttle. When you start sliding get your foot off the throttle AND BRAKE and try to limit ANY steering input. Turning your Wheel Lock to Lock in a panic is NOT going to do ANYTHING.

I love the SUV drivers (which are usually the first OFF the road). After the accident the SUV drivers are SHOCKED that 4 wheel drive didn't make them IMMUNE from sliding on Snow or ICE.

Heres a revelation, 4 wheel only helps to get you moving, it doesn't help you Turn or STOP in low traction situations. Most SUV drivers never slow down in bad weather, this is why they are the first off the road.

Low traction situations ALWAYS require limited and light input from Brakes, throttle and steering. This rule also applies to Hydroplaning in Heavy Rain as well.

JohnL- Did I need a lesson on how to drive (a SUV) in NY? Man I lived there for 11 years, in PA for 4 years, and Alaska for 18 months. My work takes me to NY at least once, sometimes more in the NY winter (between October thru April) so I don't forget! Lived in Florida since 1980 and please be assured, no part of Florida has been under 10 ft of water where people normally live, except the underwater habitat in the Keys! :) You are a victim of too many fantasy fear stories about Florida. I saw worse floods from the Susquehanna River below Columbia PA than I ever saw in Florida where I live. When I lived in NY, we had freezing rain storms every winter. Since I have been traveling to NY each year I have been caught in an ICE storm several times and have to agree with you on one point you made, the majoriety of wrecks I see are SUV's sliding off the road.
Yep, Florida's OK. We need more tourists to visit- the mosquitos are hungry. ;)
Yeah, we have our mosquitos trained to attack tourists when they run out of money, or don't spend enough while they visit. That way they go home! :D

BTW- when we had an El Nino year in '88, I believe, it snowed here for an hour and left the city crippled with snow and freezing rain. Accidents all over. I was out driving my diesel truck and the fuel line froze up ( no kerosene mix as they do up north in the winter). I started to walk home and this guy took pitty on me and offered me a ride. After 2 minutes of seeing how he was handling the car in the icy road, I offered to drive, explaining that I used to live in NY and knew the tricks. I got behind the wheel and taught him the trick to driving, stopping, pumping the breaks etc. He said, "I hope that is enough to get me home safely, but I doubt I'll ever need to use these driving methods again." He was fascinated that there was actually a way to handle a car in the snow and ice.
Yeah, we have our mosquitos trained to attack tourists when they run out of money, or don't spend enough while they visit. That way they go home! :D

They must be in the same mosquito & termite union as the ones we have in New Orleans, where I grew up.

- - - -

Anyone one else watch the video and hear the strains of "slip sliding away..." in their heads?
I wish I could have been there when the guy who hit like 10 cars called his insurance guy......

I'm sure he'll be enjoying his bus rides for the next few years as that $6K auto insurance bill might be a little cost prohibitive....
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NWS Bulletin for February 5th, 2007

USB Turntable

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