Pixellation on 118 with a dish 1000 plus 110/118.7/119/129


Original poster
Nov 20, 2011
A funny thing is happening with my install, on my 1000 plus dish, if i only connect 1 receiver there is no freezing pixellation on 118. as soon as i feed 2 other receivers, 118 is unwatchable. What could be the reason for this?

what kind of signal strength are you getting on 118?

menu 6-1-1 then change the sat to 118 and see what kind of signals the transponders show
I'm getting anything from 55 to 70 on 118. When i only use the first outpout on the dish, theres no freezing at all. Only when i connect all 3 outputs that i get freezing. I have one 211k and 1 222k.

Dish Network Iphone App- How To

Issue with replacement 922 I got yesterday....

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