Playback Freezing & HD Noises


New Member
Original poster
Apr 27, 2004
We've had the 522 for about 3 weeks. Everything seemed fine until two nights ago (if you ignore the missing info in the guide -- sometimes, the change in color in the guide/menus -- occasional, etc.). We had recorded some programs, and they played back very poorly, freezing every couple of minutes so that there was missing audio. We tried unplugging for a minute, etc., without any change. Eventually the playback froze completely, and we were unable to use any buttons on the remote (including power on/off, view tv), so we called DISH.

During this time the HD was making so much noise that we could hear it across the living room. We held the phone to the HD, and the customer service person could hear it. While we were on the phone with her, the HD (?) erased everything on it (the recorded programs -- about 20 hours worth, the timers, the favorites, etc.). She felt we have a HD problem, and said they'd send out a new 522 and a call tag so we could return this one.

Anyone else having similar problems? Ever had everything disappear?

By the way, I apologize for my "newness" to all of this, so please forgive me for not knowing the proper language, etc. This is my/our first experience with DISH, DVR, satellite...


Yeah - from what you say, the HDD (HD=High Definition, HDD= Hard Disk Drive) went belly up.

Do you have a Personal Computer? If so, listen to it as you power it up. You should hear various whirring and clicking noises, but nothing harsh or grinding.

Compare the PC sounds to what happens when you plug in the 522. The 522 should sound similar but less so because there's fewer devices inside. If the 522 is making 'harsher' sounds than the PC, it's done for.
Ah, thanks for the proper abbreviations. The HDD is making much harsher sounds than my PC ever has. It's almost like a combination of grinding/whirring, and it happens almost continuously now, even after it's been powered off for several hours.
One thing to note - like VCRs & TVs, a 'Power Off' doesn't really. Instead, you end up in 'Stand By' mode. If it REALLY powered off, you wouldn't be able to Power On from the remote. :)

Especially in the case of satellite receivers that need to download data overnight, all that happens in the lights and video output turn off. :)

Anyway, I'm reasonably certain the HDD has gone bad. Hope your new 522 arrives soon.

has anyone switched from cable to dish and been happy they did?

I Need a Little help?

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