Powered by Wildblue


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 3, 2006
West Texas (midland)
Found out just a snip about Wildblue today, pretty much it's in the 111 orbital slot, not sure if there will be a one dish solution, but most likely (my opinion) yes.

It will operate in the Ka band, anyone know if this is more or less succeptable to rain fade like the Ku band?

What I am curious is if they will support other OS platforms such as Mac and Linux... if they will have a modem/router unit?

To my understanding it will be allowed to be placed on a roof (if that's the only option).

I had asked to be the first guinea pig in my area to install one, right now from what I'm told it'll be sometime before the end of this year... whenever I find out more I'll definately post.

Does anyone know anymore info?
The RSP I work with asked for a handful of volunteers to take part in a training seminar to be conducted in Detroit. Apparently the response was so strong that they ended up putting names in a hat.

LOL...As a half-hearted joke and sign to show I was more than just a bit interested, I jokingly attempted to ballot-box stuff things with multiple copies of my name.

At any rate, it definately looks like Wildblue installs will be in a few select areas here in NE Ohio...mostly around the Cleveland area.
webbydude said:
The RSP I work with asked for a handful of volunteers to take part in a training seminar to be conducted in Detroit. Apparently the response was so strong that they ended up putting names in a hat.

LOL...As a half-hearted joke and sign to show I was more than just a bit interested, I jokingly attempted to ballot-box stuff things with multiple copies of my name.

At any rate, it definately looks like Wildblue installs will be in a few select areas here in NE Ohio...mostly around the Cleveland area.

Well sweet we can hit up the Starbucks when you come to Detroit. :hungry:

I didn't think Cleveland had alot of rural areas that wasn't serviced by cable companies. Though there is alot of farm land... The area I work in is typically Ann Arbor to the West to Coldwater, anything but the city so I anticipate quite a bit going up.
rcdallas said:
I didn't think Cleveland had alot of rural areas that wasn't serviced by cable companies. .

That was my comment at today's meeting as well. I even went so far as to state that if I had a choice between DSL, cable, or satellite for internet, I would probably make satellite my least likely choice. Latency probs....price....etc.

Near as I can tell, it's just a test run for a bigger set of installs later down the road.

Alas, I didn't "win" the drawing...*sigh*...but I'm sure somewhere down the road (guessing early next year) the rest of us will be given an opportunity to attend whatever classes.
wait, i'm confused... what are we excited about? Dish installers getting trained for Wildblue? Different wildblue equipment? I'm not trying to be an ass, i'm just not sure whats going on.

We have been installing wildblue for about a year now, and yes... it will work on multiple platforms, its just a basic modem, no routing functionality... roof, or pole mount...
and if you have ANY other options stay away, latency sucks...

And just a side note, the are not activating new systems right now due to the satellite being overworked. They have said early November before new systems could be setup, but the regional supervisor guy I talked to the other day didn't seem to think they would have the new bird up and operational quite that fast
birddoggy said:
wait, i'm confused... what are we excited about? Dish installers getting trained for Wildblue? Different wildblue equipment? I'm not trying to be an ass, i'm just not sure whats going on.

We have been installing wildblue for about a year now, and yes... it will work on multiple platforms, its just a basic modem, no routing functionality... roof, or pole mount...
and if you have ANY other options stay away, latency sucks...

And just a side note, the are not activating new systems right now due to the satellite being overworked. They have said early November before new systems could be setup, but the regional supervisor guy I talked to the other day didn't seem to think they would have the new bird up and operational quite that fast

I'm just excited to do something different. :cool:

I've never used a satellite connection, but I'm well aware the lag is there... but for those who don't have any other option, so be it.

So the bird is currently stressing out, eh? This is the one at the 111 slot? Do you require a birdog meter to tune this in or is it pretty much find the sun and go from there? This explains the delay......
birddoggy said:
We have been installing wildblue for about a year now, and yes... it will work on multiple platforms, its just a basic modem, no routing functionality... roof, or pole mount...
and if you have ANY other options stay away, latency sucks...

This cant be said enough. Only use satellite for internet if you have no other options. One other thing to mention because of the latency problem things that need real time like voip and some gaming programs just will not work over satellite.

Oh to answer the original question KA band is a bit more susceptible to rain fade then KU. It does work with any OS once its setup. I am not sure if their dialup works with anything other then windows because they make you use some weird program for that.

Wildblue user for a little over a year now...
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rcdallas said:
I'm just excited to do something different. :cool:

I've never used a satellite connection, but I'm well aware the lag is there... but for those who don't have any other option, so be it.

So the bird is currently stressing out, eh? This is the one at the 111 slot? Do you require a birdog meter to tune this in or is it pretty much find the sun and go from there? This explains the delay......

yeah, the bird is overworked... lately we have been having dropouts and the "provisioning" system was down often... they seem to have it stable now, but they shut off activations until they get the other bird lit up...
and yeah, it is at the 111.1 slot... they all point at that location, but which spotbeam you are using depends on your location.

and nope, i use a regular Channel Master analog meter to line the dish up... to be honest with ya, once you get used to lining these things up, you will hate to go back to a Dish or Direct satellite... the fine tuning screws make it so much nicer to line up.... have fun with it, they are pretty easy once you get used to them

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