Previous Subscriber


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 21, 2004
I was a previous subscriber to Dish. I am considering re-subscribing since I'm not pleased with the picutre quality I'm getting with local cable. I have a Dish 501 receiver. Is it outdated? Does anybody know what it will cost me to get an HD receiver from Dish? I tried for an hour last Friday to reach someone at Dish but I never did get to talk to a real person. Any info is appreciated.
As far as the 501 it's still current. Dish will download all software updates when you activate. Dish is offering 811 promos to current customers that qualify with the price ($99-$199) depending on the plan they're on.
DVR501 still good, newer DVR510 is same unit with larger hard drive and a monthly $4.98 DVOD service fee unless you sub to AEP, your 501 will not have this extra fee. Their was and I think it is still in effect a deal for the 811 HD receiver for $149 - 199 or you can get this receiver bundled with ether a RCA made but E* branded 34" CRT or 40" direct view HD monitors for a total of $999. Their is also the almost impossible to get at this time DVR921 HD receiver/dvr for msrp of $999, no discounts yet for a stand-alone, however you can get the bundled deal with a DVR921 upgrade for a total of $1599.
Hasher read the posts on the internet about DISH'S HDTV receivers before you invest any money with them again, become an educated consumer.
Promo's are for NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Since hasher is a "returning" Subscriber, he can't get a promo.

811 and 921 rec.'s are available, but if you really want one, be prepared to sacrifice your left n** to get it. DISH has a severe shortage on the HD equipment, and is reserving what they ahve on hand for NEW customers. I have three customers right now that have been on a waiting list for HD rec.'s for six months or more.
The $99 510 offer I mentioned above is for EXISTING SUBSCRIBERS. 811 receivers are not available through Dish Network yet, at least thats what they told me when I called in to ask about the 811 promotion.
just to let you know. i bought a 811 through dish a month ago. my brother ordered his ten days ago(through e*) and recieved it today. the csr told him two to three month wait so he emailed they called hi the next day and now he has it. we were both current e* customers

DP switch on the horzion?

Few throw in Dish towel

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