Problem with Dish 301/510


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Original poster
Dec 28, 2006
We have been trying for 2years to diagnois problem with dropped channels.
Thought it might be a malfuntioning receiver so upgraded to 510 over the weekend. Still getting error message "2 sat signal lost", this occurs on several channels, but at other times these lost channels come in without problems. We have checked the cable, new receiver, dish all seem to be ok. Oh, also the 2nd tv, bedroom, never has lost channels.
Please help, we are at a loss.........................
Have you tried the receiver that's losing the signal in the bedroom where the receiver never loses the signal?

If the problem doesn't follow, then you need to replace the cable, barrel connector (if any) or connectors going to the receiver. Another easy test is to run a cable from the switch or the LNB and see if the problem continues.

My guess is a barrel connector not rated to 3.0 Ghz but try moving the receiver to the other room where is working.
yes we have already moved the receivers, and also yesterday purchased new 100ft cable and ran directly from sat dish to back of new 510 receiver and problem still occured
The 5xx series receivers are known to have problems with the satellite tuner but you already said that it was replaced with a new 510. Did you do a check switch when you replaced the receiver?

Menu, 6, 1, 1, Check Switch.

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