The problem is... WBNS 10 HD out of Columbus, Ohio in the channel guide it only says WBNS instead of any programs. This was one of the new channels Dish added yesterday. Usually, if newly added it says no info or something like that and if you scroll to end it would then grab a download. Another way is to do a switch check and I did that and it downloaded new info, just nothing for this channel. The last way I know is to wait until the nightly update, it did that this morning. Still just says WBNS across the guide thoughout the hours and days.
Sorry, to ask this here. I just wanted to see if others is having the same problem and a way to fix it. The season premiere of Survivor is tonight, wanted to see it in HD now that since last year it's been filmed in HD.
Sorry, to ask this here. I just wanted to see if others is having the same problem and a way to fix it. The season premiere of Survivor is tonight, wanted to see it in HD now that since last year it's been filmed in HD.